He cares even when it seems no one else does

He Whistles for the Cricket

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This book, He Whistles for the Cricket by Gwen Walker, was written by my Grandmother. It has inspired me throughout my life and is one of my favorite books of all time. In 2011, I edited and published this book for my Grandma, who, sadly, died many years ago and never got to see her story in bound form. It is my pleasure and privilege to share it with the world, I only wish she could have lived to see how much enjoyment it brings to others.

Miriam has always wanted a dog. But times are hard, and her father’s health problems mean that there’s very little money left for luxuries after feeding the family and paying for medical bills. When her neighbor’s dog has puppies, Miriam spends as much time as she can playing with them, and pretending they are hers. But when tragedy strikes, and only one tiny pup is left alive, it is up to Miriam to find someone to care for him.