Be a Hero!

I have an exciting announcement!

I’m going to be published!

Yes, yes, I know that you know all about the Turrim Archive stuff.

But I’ve had a kind of secret project going on in the background this spring, and I am so excited to finally be able to shout about it!

You may remember that I’ve talked quite a bit about H.L. Burke’s books around here. Several of her stories have made it into my Favorite Fifteen Fantasy Reads for the past couple of years. And I am a major fan of her Superhero universe — called The SVR. It’s an awesome series of superhero books with all kinds of epic adventures and fun. If you enjoyed the older Marvel movies, like Iron Man 1 and Thor and the first Avengers movie… then you’ll probably love this world and series.

Fast Forward a bit…

So, last fall, H.L. Burke put out a call to other authors, asking if anyone would be interested in having the chance to write in her SVR universe, because she wanted to put together an anthology of short stories set in her world. I thought the idea was awesome, but wasn’t sure I could swing another project.

However, I definitely wanted to try, because my 15 year old, 12 year old, and 9 year old have ALSO become massive fans of the SVR and I knew that this might just propel me into “coolness” in their eyes if I could manage to write a story in that world.

Then, a prompt Heidi posted and a sudden wave of inspiration collided, and I managed to write and edit a story… submitted it… and it was accepted!!!

To say that I’m excited would be a massive understatement!

But that’s not all!

To help with funding the project, H.L. Burke is running a Kickstarter for this super project, and you should definitely check it out! If funded, the anthology will become a reality. We have some stretch goals as well, such as getting this anthology into audio, and maybe even a coloring book!

The rewards tiers are pretty cool. Of course, you can get the book and other books in the SVR-verse, but you could ALSO win the chance to play a TTRPG Session DMed by the author. OR you could even collaborate with H.L. Burke to put yourself in one of her future books as a cameo! How cool is that?

So please, head on over to the Kickstarter and give it a glance. The video is definitely worth a watch (my daughter Leiana made it… I told you she was a super fan… also mildly obsessed with these superheroes and villains)

I’d really love to see this project succeed! If you could see your way to backing it, you would totally be a hero in my book! And please, share about it with your friends!