Our Top 10 Favorite Movies We Think You Haven't Seen

Welcome back to the Stormcave!

Grant and I are back with another fun conversation, and a game!

We each share our top 10 (or 11, since I’m bad at following directions) favorite movies to watch with our families that we think YOU may not have seen. But you totally should!

But we couldn’t just leave it there. We had to make it into a game, as well. So instead of just saying what movies we are talking about, we first share a quote from the movie and see if the other person can guess it!

Come along, play the game if you like, and let us know if you’ve seen any of these movies!

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An Evening in the Stormcave

A dream revived

A while back (about a year and a half ago now), you might remember that my brother and I embarked on a new adventure involving the two of us co-hosting a podcast.

Well… we had like one episode, and then life happened… and months passed… and schedule did not allow for us to continue.


That time is now past. And we have re-ignited the vision!

May I present, the first episode of the newly revived podcast!

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More Superhero Stories

I have exciting news!

Last year, H.L. Burke opened up her superhero universe for other authors to write stories in, and I had the great privilege of getting my story Play Date accepted into that anthology.

My story revolved around a mom named Emilia trying to fit into a new town and make new friends, all while navigating the ins and outs of being married to a superhero and having children with emerging superpowers.

It was a fun story to write. I enjoyed getting to spend some time in the modern world with my writing, while also staying solidly in fantasy territory.

So when Heidi opened up a second round of submissions, I jumped at the chance to write another story in this world. It’s a bit of a sequel to my first story, but follows Emilia’s brother-in-law.

And it was accepted!

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