Posts in Giveaway
I'm Giving Away 100 ebooks!

With the release of my 4th book in the Turrim Archive: The Prisoner and the Pirate, right around the corner and coming soon (APRIL 30th! Can you believe it?!) I decided to celebrate a little bit.

So I’m running a Goodreads Giveaway for book 1 of the series, The Orb and the Airship!

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Giveaways Galore!

Are you a fan of dragons?

Then this giveaway is for you!

I’ve teamed up with 7 other awesome fantasy authors to bring you one epic giveaway!

One Lucky Winner Will Receive Paperback copies of the following books:

Break the Beast by Allison Tebo, Dragon's Curse by H.L. Burke, Wormwood Abbey by Christina Baehr, These War Torn Hands by Emily Hayse, Chase the Legend by Hannah Kaye, Pemberley: Mr. Darcy's Dragons by Maria Grace, King's Warrior by Jenelle Leanne Schmidt, and Saints and Monsters by Ellen McGinty

Don’t miss out! The Giveaway Ends Tomorrow! So make sure you enter soon!

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