DOSA Files Release Tour + An Interview with a supervillain

Superhero fans rejoice! The DOSA Files: Tales from the Supervillain Rehabilitation Project Anthology is launching June 27th. 

If you love epic tales of heroism, humor, and heart, you’ll adore this collection, I guarantee it! My daughters have already read all the stories and they have their favorites (my story is NOT in either of their top 3…. but I am not fussed about that…)


I also am very aware of the fact that I wrote my own story for my MOM-FRIENDS and not for teenagers, so while it’s perfectly squeaky clean, it also has a lot of mom-humor and mom-things to empathize with and it’s okay that my 12-year old and 15-year old don’t quite relate to my main character yet! grin

For those of you who haven’t been keeping up, the DOSA FILES is an anthology of short stories about superheroes set in H. L. Burke’s SVR universe and features stories from:
H.L. Burke, Sarah Pennington, Amber Gabriel, Karen Eisenbrey, Rena Gail, Jake Tyson, K.M. Carroll, C.O. Bonham, Michelle L. Houston, and Jenelle Leanne Schmidt (Yours Truly).

About the Book

10 Authors, 10 Stories, Endless Ways to Save the Day!

The Award-Winning Supervillain Rehabilitation Project series expands with this new ten-story anthology of exciting superhero (and villain!) tales.

Enter a world of superpowered heroes... and villains. Of epic adventure and hope.

In this collection you'll find tales of humor, action, and suspense. Meet brave heroes, quippy villains, and desperate vigilantes.

All featured stories are PG or lower, making this a great read for all ages, but especially for fans of superhero fiction, heartfelt moments, and snarky humor.

Featuring New Superhero Stories from Award Winning authors as well as exciting new voices in the genre.

Are you ready to save the day?

Available on Amazon June 27th!

Add it on Goodreads

Check out the other stops on our blog tour!

Let me let you in on a secret: scattered throughout the various blog posts on this epic launch tour are six clues. (No… I’m definitely NOT going to tell you which posts have clues!)

Find all six clues and solve the puzzles to get a secret passcode. That passcode will give you entry to this form where we are running TWO epic giveaways!


One lucky puzzle solver will win a mini-ebook library of titles from our authors. (Winners chosen July 1st, 2024)


One lucky puzzle solver will win a mini-paperback library of titles from our authors (US shipping only).

NOTE: not all titles are shown on the graphics because we have a couple of “reader’s choice” options for you with both giveaways!


June 20th:

June 21st:


June 22nd: 

June 23rd: 

June 24th:

June 25th:

June 26th:

June 27th: 

Don’t forget: once you’ve solved all the clues and discovered the passcode you can enter to win one of two epic prizes here: 


But before we get to my clue (yes, there’s one here on my post)

Let me introduce you to one of the characters you’ll meet in the DOSA Files anthology!

I enter the DOSA (Department of Super-Abled) holding cell, my blue InterFiction Gazette badge clenched tightly in my fist. I know that the character I am here to meet has been restrained with disruptor technology and shouldn’t be able to get out, but super-ableds (or sables, for short) have been known to get around disruptor tech before. I don’t want a supervillain making his way into MY version of planet Earth!

The Rubber Bandit (yep, that’s his handle) looks up at me warily. He is not only handcuffed to the table at which he is seated, but he has multiple disruptor cuffs encircling him. I count them silently… one on each wrist, one on each ankle, one around his waist… and let out a slow whistle. What did this guy DO?

Trying not to look nervous, I sit down on the other side of the table, pull out my notebook and clear my throat. “Uh, hi. My name is Jenelle Schmidt and I’m a reporter for the InterFiction Gazette. Can you tell me what your name is, please?”

He scoffs. “You want me to state it for the record? Fine. My identity is public record now, anyway. Elam Bentley, AKA Rubber Bandit.”

“And how old are you?”

“I'm 31. Old enough to know a few things and have a good handle on my powers. They took me out at the top of my game.”

I nod, writing furiously. “Can you tell my readers a little bit about yourself? What sorts of things are you good at? What do you do in your free time? Things like that?”

He smirks. “Wouldn't you like to know. I know DOSA is listening in on this interview.”

I feel my spirits sink, and it must show on my face because he leans back and sighs. “Okay, fine. I enjoy a little disc golf now and then. And no, I don't cheat. My flexibility gives me an advantage on my wind-up, but there are a lot of other variables to consider. It keeps my mind sharp.”

“I enjoy disc golf too,” I say encouragingly. “Though I prefer Ultimate Frisbee.” Without thinking I ask the next question on my list. “Is there anything you’d like to change about your present circumstances?”

I wait, but when the silence stretches out a bit long I glance up to see Elam trying to bore a hole through me with angry eyes. I feel my cheeks and ears get warm.

“Oh, um… right. Uh…” I scan through my questions and blurt out the first safe one I see. “What’s your favorite flavor or ice cream?”

He blinks. “Peppermint. The pink, candy cane kind. You can only find it around Christmas, which is incongruous, since it's frozen. I could eat that year round.”

I can’t help but grin. If he weren’t a villain, I think we’d get along just fine — I listen to Christmas music year round! I ask my next question. “What is your favorite animal and why?”

“Giraffes. I feel like we have a lot in common. You know, long neck, legs, tongue that can reach up and grab things.”

“Uh… huh.” I jot that down. I wish they had told me what his super powers were before letting me in here. “What sort of clothes do you prefer to wear?”

He shifts his shoulders a bit as if trying to get comfortable. “As a villain, I've always preferred a flashy eraser-pink jumpsuit. I am the Rubber Bandit after all. I suppose since my identity is known, and I won't be able to use that outfit anymore, I can let you in on a little secret. The more eye-catching the costume, the less people notice your personal features like eye and hair color. Less likely they'll give a good description.”

“Good to know in case I ever decide to become a supervillain,” I deadpan. “What are some of your favorite foods besides ice cream?”

“I have pretty eclectic tastes. Chow mein, spaghetti, borscht. A long time ago, I had a neighbor that would make this amazing dessert called gelatina de pata de vaca or cow hoof gelatin. It sounds awful, but it's like super soft, stretchy taffy.” He stares vacantly at the wall. “I used to love that stuff.…”

I nod, feeling a pang of sympathy for him. But DOSA might be able to reform this guy. So far he hasn’t threatened me or anything. I decide to grab some courage and ask a few of the tougher questions. “Who are some of your closest friends or advisors?”

He laughs bitterly. “Friends and advisors are luxuries a villain can't afford. You get friends, hang out and show up in the same places, you get predictable--and WHAM!” He slams his hand against the table, making me jump. “That's when you get caught. I've seen it happen.” He smirks at me and I know he saw my jump.

“How are you dealing with”—I gesture vaguely at our surroundings—”all this?”

“Besides being bored out of my mind? I'd love to know how to disable a disruptor cuff. Any tips? Other than that, the only way I have of dealing with the isolation is going over my lawyer's notes. I'm determined to find a loophole that will get me out of here.”

“There’s always the SVR,” I remind him.

He shrugs. “Whatevs.”

I decide not to push it. “Where is your favorite place in the world and why is it your favorite?”

He grins mischievously. “Bounce houses are fun.”

I can’t help the snort of laughter, and for a moment, we’re just two people sharing a joke. I get control of myself and ask, “Care to tell me about one of your happiest memories?”

His expression hardens. “I don't think we know each other well enough to go there. Memories can be dangerous things to share. I've probably told you too much already.”

I hide my sigh. The interview is almost over, I can tell that I’ve used up pretty much all the rapport I built, but as I stand up I can’t help but ask, “Why are you wearing so many disruptor cuffs?”

Elam snorts derisively. “DOSA doesn't want to take any chances on me getting out of here. Depending on a villain's specific powers, the cuff only affects the area touching the cuff. With this many cuffs on, I can't stretch anything.”

I nod and give him a sympathetic smile. “Thank you for talking to me. I hope you find a better path, Elam.”

“Rubber Bandit,” he mutters. But as I start to dissolve out of his world, I hear an exclamation of surprise from him and I can’t help but grin. I’m looking forward to reading more about Elam Bentley AKA The Rubber Bandit.

As of this writing, I have been informed that shortly after my interview with Elam/Rubber Bandit, he was released from the DOSA cell. I don’t know yet where he went from there, but I have a feeling that you can find out if you read “Oh, Snap” by Amber Gabriel in the DOSA Files Anthology!


qfdjbm Bhfou, xf offe zpvs ifmq! EPTB IR ibt cffo jogjmusbufe cz b efwjpvt tvqfswjmmbjo obnfe Uif Dszquphsbqifs. Ijt ufssjcmf fodszqujpo qpxfst ibwf tdsbncmfe bmm pvuhpjoh EPTB dpnnvojdbujpot. Jg zpv bsf sfbejoh uijt, zpv nbz cf pvs pomz ipqf. Zpv nvtu gjoe bmm tjy nfttbhft. Fbdi dpoubjot b tjohmf mfuufs pg uif qbttdpef uibu xjmm vompdl uif efdszqujpo qsphsbn up gsff vt gspn Uif Dszuqphsbqifs’t gpvm hsbtq.

Uif gjstu mfuufs pg uif qbttdpef jt Q. 

Podf zpv ibwf ejtdpwfsfe uif qbttdpef hp up 

Bt b sfxbse, zpv xjmm cf foufsfe joup b hjwfbxbz up xjo b mjcsbsz pg fqjd cpplt!

 ps efdpejoh tpnf ufyu.

I hope you enjoyed this interview! Good luck with the clue!