Posts in My Books
An Exciting Week

Whew! It’s been quite the week here in the Stormcave!

I generally don’t have two releases in the same week (okay, who got hold of the schedule?!) but I’ve been letting my inner chaos gremlin out a bit more lately (what is the point of being an indie author if you can’t have some fun with it?!) and so it’s actually not a bit surprising that these two releases would come so close together!

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A Final -Ishness Post for 2023

They say that 42 is the answer to life, the universe, and everything.

So that’s fun.

It’s been quite a year! In many ways, full of good things. In many ways, just straight-up exhausting. I am grateful. I look back on this year and I see so much that was good and exciting and fun.

It’s been a couple of months since I did an Adventures and Episodes / -ishness style post, so let’s dive in, shall we?

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