Posts in Personal
A Final -Ishness Post for 2023

They say that 42 is the answer to life, the universe, and everything.

So that’s fun.

It’s been quite a year! In many ways, full of good things. In many ways, just straight-up exhausting. I am grateful. I look back on this year and I see so much that was good and exciting and fun.

It’s been a couple of months since I did an Adventures and Episodes / -ishness style post, so let’s dive in, shall we?

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Limping is Good for Us

I had a whole different blog post I was going to write for today, but sometimes life just sort of takes you out at the knees.

Last night, our power went out. It was rather unexpected, no storms were in the area. Just a few clouds. The family was watching Stargate SG-1, and right about at the climax of the episode… everything went blank.

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Sometimes, we mess up

I had a whole graphic made up and an exciting sale planned for the 4th of July

I was going to announce it today on my blog. It even had a catchy title, “Four on the Fourth.”

My plan was to have 4 of my novels discounted to 99 cents each across the 4th of July as a way to celebrate our nation’s Independence Day, one of my favorite holidays.

But somehow… I messed up.

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