Posts in Writing
A Newsy, Update-y Post About All the Writerly Things

Dear Reader, you are awesome, do you know that?

Seriously. I just want to thank you all for your patience with me. I know I’m not the fastest writer in the world (faaaaar from it!) And I know that I’ve had a tendency to disappear for months on end lately. This year has been really weird, because I’ve felt like I had very little to share about… and yet, so, so, SO much work is getting done behind the scenes.

Because you are so awesome, I wanted to give you a bit of a better glimpse of what all has been going on behind the page here in the Stormcave, where I’m at on this author adventure, and most importantly, when you will get to read a new Jenelle Leanne Schmidt book.

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FallFicFrenzy + Know the Novel Part 2

November, my favorite month of the year!

I might be slightly biased, as this is my birthday month… but hey, as Ken Ham says, “Everybody is biased. It’s just a question of which is the best bias to be biased with anyway?”


So, I’ve been having a blast participating in Christine Smith’s Know the Novel and Fall Fic Frenzy over the past several weeks.

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