Super Secret Project Title Reveal

Well, today is the day!

The day I reveal the title for my fantasy-flavored Oliver Twist Retelling, formerly known as the Super Secret Project!

I was going to wait until next Monday… but someone over on Facebook guessed correctly!!! Many congratulations to Jenny H!


I won’t keep you in suspense any longer.

Congratulations to everyone who correctly guessed the title.

Here it is….


This short, sweet little retelling will be releasing in September! I'm so excited to share this with you all. ⁠

This project really snuck up on me, kind of came out of nowhere, but I can definitely see the Lord's hand in bringing me the idea and the circumstances surrounding the story (which I am very excited to share with you.... later) 😆 I'm so evil. 😇⁠

Anyway, this might just be one of my favorite things I've ever written. ⁠

Set in the world of Turrim, approximately 100 years before the Turrim Archive series begins, this was so fun to write. It was fun to explore the pieces of Oliver Twist, fun to "twist" them around, and fun to explore the history of my world of Turrim all at the same time.⁠

I hope you enjoy it, too! Can't wait for you to read it!⁠

"But we must have patience, precious."⁠

What do you think of my title?

It’s a little bit different, I know.

Have you read Oliver Twist? Or watched a screen adaptation? Do you like retellings? What is your favorite retelling? Are you excited for this one?