The Orb and the Airship Cover Reveal


Today is the day, dear Reader!

The day that I finally get to share the cover with you for the first book in this epic gaslamp-fantasy series!

I’m so excited. I feel like I’ve been waiting and waiting and waiting for this moment, for the moment when I finally get to start sharing and revealing all the things. This cover has actually been done for quite a while, and I love it so much. I can’t wait to show it to you!

But first, let me talk a little bit about the AMAZING designer behind the cover!

Savannah Jezowski

lives in southern Michigan with her Knight in Shining Armor and two wee warrior princesses. She studied Commercial Writing/English in college and eventually founded Dragonpen Press, a small publishing house that offers author services such as cover design, developmental edits, and interior formatting. Savannah specializes in fantasy and Christian fiction with colorful and dimensional characters and likes to deal with emotional themes. She has authored several books, including When Ravens Fall and The Neverway Chronicles. She is also featured in six different anthologies such as Five Enchanted Roses and A Kind of Death. When she isn’t writing, Savannah likes to read books, watch BBC miniseries, and crochet. She also enjoys having tea with her imaginary friends.Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

And now, I must tell you about The Orb and the Airship!

A rogue airship captain. An ambitious youth. A clash of powers beyond their imagination.

With scholarships to a prestigious military school, Grayden and Wynn are thirsty for adventure. But the night before they leave, they discover the mysterious Dalmir and his arcane orb in the forsaken tower outside of town. The old man, who seems to have a wealth of knowledge of what came before and yet so little of the now, insists on accompanying them as they travel to the academy.

Meanwhile, all pirate Captain Marik wants is to keep to the skies, take his due, and care for his crew. Then a straightforward pillaging mission on a ship of fresh academy students leads to betrayal from one of his own and an unlikely friendship forged by necessity.

Yet this new alliance stirs up ancient foes and a conflict too terrible to ignore. Despite Grayden’s inexperience and Marik’s skepticism, working together with Dalmir is their only option.

The fate of the world depends on it.

And finally, of course… the reason you all came over here…


It’s so shiny! I love it to pieces!

This fun-filled action-packed adventure and all those pirates will be released June 16, 2023! So soon! Mark your calendars!

I know, I wish it could be sooner, but I still have a few things to finish up with books 2-5 and I still want to rapid-release these volumes and get them all into your hands in swift, timely fashion.

In the meantime, there is a way that you can get involved! Next Monday, I’ll be launching a Kickstarter to help fund all the things it takes to get a professional-quality five-book series out the door. And I need your help!

You see, I don’t just write for myself. I write for you! I pour myself into these stories in hopes that they will reach readers who will fall in love with the characters and enjoy the thrill of the story. With this series and this kickstarter, I want you to have the chance to be involved in making these stories happen.

So now, I’d like to invite you over to check out my prelaunch page, where you can click the button to be reminded next Monday when the kickstarter goes live.