Posts in Cover Reveal
The Orb and the Airship Cover Reveal

Today is the day, dear Reader!

The day that I finally get to share the cover with you for the first book in this epic gaslamp-fantasy series!

I’m so excited. I feel like I’ve been waiting and waiting and waiting for this moment, for the moment when I finally get to start sharing and revealing all the things. This cover has actually been done for quite a while, and I love it so much. I can’t wait to show it to you!

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Imprint Cover Reveal

Today is a very special day!

Today I get to share with you the exciting cover of a new fantasy novel coming out August 1st by a new author I am VERY excited about!

Okay… technically I was supposed to post this on Wednesday, but somehow I got my dates mixed up horribly and thought that the 15th was NEXT week… and then I looked at the calendar today and panicked because, WHERE DID JUNE GO?

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Two For the Price of One

Today, I have TWO exciting books to share with you, dear Reader!

No, not anything I’ve written… I’m working hard on my projects and hoping to have some fun posts about my own stories coming soon with all sorts of behind-the-page tidbits. But I’m afraid we’ll both have to wait a bit longer for that.

But today I am thrilled to be helping out not one, but TWO of my fellow Realmie Authors with a book release and a cover reveal!

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Supervillain Rescue Project


Dear Reader, I am so excited about this series! I read and loved the series that this one spun-off from, and I’m excited about this new adventure with a more YA flavor!

To celebrate the pre-order and cover reveal of book 3 in the Supervillain Rescue Project YA Superhero series, book 1 is free, book 2 is 99c, and for a limited time you can pre-order book 3 for 99c as well!

Promotion ends February 12th, so act soon!

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