Posts in Sale
Sometimes, we mess up

I had a whole graphic made up and an exciting sale planned for the 4th of July

I was going to announce it today on my blog. It even had a catchy title, “Four on the Fourth.”

My plan was to have 4 of my novels discounted to 99 cents each across the 4th of July as a way to celebrate our nation’s Independence Day, one of my favorite holidays.

But somehow… I messed up.

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Black Friday-to-Cyber Monday Sale

Today is the day that many people venture out of their homes on epic quests for a really good deal.

But when you’re done with the long lines and the crazy hustle and bustle… you definitely ought to treat yourself to a cozy blanket, some hot cocoa (or other warm beverage of your choice), and a good book.

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Exciting News + Giveaway Winner + A Sale!

Happy July, dear Reader!

I don’t know about you, but it feels to me that summer is just zooming by. It’s going far too fast for my liking, and while I know that we’ve still got a lot of it left, it just feels… like it’s slipping through my fingers.

It’s probably because we’re doing so many fun things and have so many more fun things planned… they say time flies when you’re having fun… and they appear to be right.

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Supervillain Rescue Project


Dear Reader, I am so excited about this series! I read and loved the series that this one spun-off from, and I’m excited about this new adventure with a more YA flavor!

To celebrate the pre-order and cover reveal of book 3 in the Supervillain Rescue Project YA Superhero series, book 1 is free, book 2 is 99c, and for a limited time you can pre-order book 3 for 99c as well!

Promotion ends February 12th, so act soon!

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Through the Portal: a back-page pass

“Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair!”

Some of you know this already, but An Echo of the Fae was supposed to be a Rapunzel retelling. In its very earliest stages, it was simply the glimmering of an idea as I tried to come up with something that would work for Kendra’s Fairy Tale Retelling Challenge and multi-author-release. She told us that the theme would be Rapunzel back in… I believe it was 2018. And while I didn’t quite make it in time to be part of the release, and my story really didn’t end up being a retelling… like… at all… that is where the first flickers of idea began. That’s where it all started.

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Art Contest Winners, a Giveaway, a Sale, and a Birthday Celebration

Today is An Echo of the Fae's FIRST BIRTHDAY!!!!⁠

I still can't believe this little story is a whole year old already. I have been overwhelmed by how much people seem to enjoy this heart project that God gave me.⁠

Many thanks to all who entered the fan art contest!

I absolutely love each and every one of these pieces, which made choosing my favorite extremely difficult (as I knew it would be). But the time has come for winners to be announced!

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