Exciting News + Giveaway Winner + A Sale!

Happy July, dear Reader!

I don’t know about you, but it feels to me that summer is just zooming by. It’s going far too fast for my liking, and while I know that we’ve still got a lot of it left, it just feels… like it’s slipping through my fingers.

It’s probably because we’re doing so many fun things and have so many more fun things planned… they say time flies when you’re having fun… and they appear to be right.

Thank you so much to everyone who participated in the giveaway and wished An Echo of the Fae a happy birthday!

Congratulations to Teresa Allen, winner of the giveaway!

You are the winner of my DVD copy of Dreamer! Please send me your mailing address (you can use the contact form or just email me at Jenelle.L.Schmidt@gmail.com) and I’ll get that in the mail ASAP!

But wait, there’s more goodness to go around!

Because right now, I’m having one of my biggest sales EVER!

An Echo of the Fae was chosen as the July book for the Fellowship of Fantasy: Indie Book Club!

I’m so excited that Echo was chosen to be this month’s read. It’s such a perfect summery read (with a few lovely nods to winter because: Summer AND Winter fae courts… and also, I just love snow…)

If you enjoy fantasy books, indie authors, and are looking for new stories to try, I highly recommend you come join the FOF Indie Book Club. I’ve found many a new favorite author there!

So, in light of this honor, I am making An Echo of the Fae FREE on Kindle for the next several days!

But that’s not all! I’m also running a massive sale on all four books in my Minstrel’s Song series! I highly recommend snatching them up while you can, especially as I almost never put books 3 and 4 on sale, so this is very rare deal! This holiday, you can get the entire series for under $6!

How is your summer going? What fun things have you done or do you have planned for the rest of the summer?

What are some of your favorite summery reads? Do you enjoy reading at the beach? Which do you prefer to visit: beach or mountains?