Happy Book Birthday + A Giveaway

Happy 2nd birthday to my sweet Echo of the Fae!

Today is An Echo of the Fae’s 2nd birthday.

I honestly can’t believe this little tome has been out in the world that long! In many ways, it feels like it can’t have possibly been that long. With over 8,500 copies floating around in various reader’s hands, Echo has garnered 156 ratings on Amazon (with a 4.6/5.0 average), won the Middle Grade Realm Award, and been turned into an audiobook!

Not too shabby for a two-year old, don’t you think?

Last week, my daughter and I made the famous “ruseberry” (raspberry rhubarb) scones that Echo brings to her picnic with Branna. I first had these delicious treats at a little coffee shop in my town… and I’m kind of sad that I haven’t seen them there since… I even gave them a copy of the book and told them they had inspired me. Oh well.

So we made our own (pictured above).

They turned out pretty good! I think I need to embrace the customary “dryness” of scones, though, because they were a little bit too soft and fluffy and not quite dry and crunchy enough. Crumbly? I dunno. Scones are weird. And I’m very picky about them. But anyway, they were pretty delicious for a first try, so I was happy.

To celebrate Echo’s 2nd birthday, I am giving away a DVD copy of one of my favorite movies: Dreamer.

This movie isn’t fantasy, but it is so very sweet, so summery, and so perfectly family-friendly, it just feels like it pairs well with my own little Echo of the Fae.

If you want to know more about this movie, you can read my full review by clicking the button below:

To enter the giveaway, just leave me a comment below! You can wish Echo a happy birthday, tell me what one of your favorite summer activities is, tell me about a summery-family-friendly movie you love, or maybe share one of your favorite summery treats! Or whatever you’d like, there’s no rules, just write! (sorry, I’ve got old radio commercials stuck in my head lately)!

The giveaway will run until June 30, at which point I’ll pick a random comment and announce the winner!

Happy Summer!