Imprint Cover Reveal

Today is a very special day!

Today I get to share with you the exciting cover of a new fantasy novel coming out August 1st by a new author I am VERY excited about! Madeline J Rose is a very dear long-time blogging buddy of mine and one of my awesome Silmaril Awards hosts!

Okay… technically I was supposed to post this on Wednesday, but somehow I got my dates mixed up horribly and thought that the 15th was NEXT week… and then I looked at the calendar today and panicked because, WHERE DID JUNE GO?


However, better late than never, right?

Do you want to see this cover?

Because it’s very cool.

And the story sounds great as well! (I can personally attest to the fact that it’s pretty epic, as I got to beta-read it a while back and I really liked it! I’m sure it’s only gotten better…)


Like so many bookworms, Paige Turner loves escaping into the world of stories. However, unlike other bookworms, she can literally escape into the world of stories through the ink on the pages.

When two strange men set out to kidnap Paige and her friend Markus, she is terrified. So used to hiding from her problems in the world of books, Paige doesn’t know what to do when the trouble begins to spill into her real life. And when the danger looms and threatens the safety of her family, she realizes that terrified or not, she must fight back. And to do that, Paige and Markus must use the gifts to discover why these strange men are after two innocent teenagers. 

But the truth turns out to be far stranger than fiction, and it twists their entire world upside down. Can Paige find the strength to battle her anxiety and use her extraordinary gift...or will she lose everything and everyone she ever cared about?

How awesome does that sound, am I right?

I don’t know about you, but I absolutely adore meta-fiction, where the characters in a book either a) know they’re in a book, or b) can jump into stories and interact with the characters there. Some great examples of my favorites are: Inkheart, The Thursday Next Novels, The Story Thieves, and The Word Changers.

Okay, but you want to see the cover.

And you’re annoyed that I keep doing this to you.

And you’ve probably already scrolled past all my witticisms because patience is not a virtue you possess.

I have no idea if you’re threatening me with a spoon at the moment. But, you know…. you might be.

Okay, okay, okay… here is the cover!!!!



About the Author

Madeline is an author and a believer living with her family in the town of Annandale, Minnesota. For over ten years, she has worked on improving her craft and writing many, many stories. Imprint was one of her first ideas she thought had potential, so she decided to begin a story that she would end up working on for over nine years. Along with writing, she enjoys reading, music, and cooking. She has an A.A.S. in Multimedia Design Technology and uses her degree as a freelance graphic designer who owns her own design firm, Inklings LLC. She also runs a small sticker business on Etsy called RaspberryMilkCo. You can sign up for her newsletter to become a part of her journey here

Isn’t that super cool and mysterious-looking? I absolutely love it!
Have you read any books that fall into the “meta-fiction” genre like this? Which ones? Do you enjoy stories where the characters can jump into books or pull characters out of books? Are you excited about Imprint?