Art Contest Winners, a Giveaway, a Sale, and a Birthday Celebration

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Today is An Echo of the Fae's FIRST BIRTHDAY!!!!⁠

I still can't believe this little story is a whole year old already. I have been overwhelmed by how much people seem to enjoy this heart project that God gave me.⁠

Many thanks to all who entered the fan art contest!

I absolutely love each and every one of these pieces, which made choosing my favorite extremely difficult (as I knew it would be). But the time has come for winners to be announced!

And the Winners Are…

Echo, Jana, and Drayeth by Mairi C

Echo, Jana, and Drayeth - Mairi Craig.jpg

Sisters by Kelly H

Sisters - Kelly Harig.png

Malilia by Samantha B

Malilia - Samantha B.jpeg

But since I had SUCH a hard time picking my favorite and because everyone did such an amazingly lovely job, I wanted to give a prize of sorts to everyone.

So today is also the start of my Summer Sale.

An Echo of the Fae is FREE in the kindle store all week


Yorien's Hand and Minstrel's Call are both on sale for just 99 cents each!⁠

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I’m also having a birthday celebration giveaway with TONS of epic prizes! Enter the giveaway through the rafflecopter below!

Later this week I'll be posting some behind-the-scenes stuff about the writing of Echo, some of the places I got inspiration for this story, themes throughout the story and maybe even a sneak peek at the beginning stages I'm in for plotting the sequel!!!

Yep, you read that right.⁠

Echo was definitely supposed to be a stand-alone... but it's funny how we make plans, isn't it? God has a way of changing them on us. :)⁠

Make sure you come back throughout the next week and a half so you don't miss any of the fun! If you want to make sure you get blog updates straight to your inbox, you can do so by subscribing to my blog/newsletter.

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Have you read An Echo of the Fae yet?

What prize would you most want to win from the giveaway?

Do you have a favorite fairy tale or retelling?

What is your favorite summer-y book? (Or do you have a favorite book to read in the summer?)