Posts in Fairy Tales
Know the Novel 2023

Well… I started writing this in October… does that count? heheh

Better late than never, I guess.

It’s time for Know the Novel! And this year, I’m talking about something other than the Turrim Archive!!! (try not to faint)

Know the Novel is an annual blog tag hosted by the marvelous Christine Smith as a place to talk about the stories we are working on. This year, I am officially participating in her #FicFrenzy event, and even though my goal is teensy, I have been enjoying it as a motivation to get back to drafting something new!

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An Echo of the Fae: Themes and a Sequel Sneak Peek

When writing a book, knowing what themes you want to explore is generally a good idea.

But I almost never start with that. My writing is driven by a weird mixture of world-building, character, and plot. Plot usually comes last. The world and the characters come first… and which one comes first varies from story to story.

An Echo of the Fae was no exception to the rule. As I explained earlier this week, a lot of the story came together after I had figured out who the players were and what the world looked like.

For me, the themes usually stand out to me more after the story is written, and one of my jobs is to pull those themes out and polish them off in the editing stages.

Some of the themes in this story surprised me, but I am quite pleased with how they wove themselves through the plot.

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Through the Portal: a back-page pass

“Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair!”

Some of you know this already, but An Echo of the Fae was supposed to be a Rapunzel retelling. In its very earliest stages, it was simply the glimmering of an idea as I tried to come up with something that would work for Kendra’s Fairy Tale Retelling Challenge and multi-author-release. She told us that the theme would be Rapunzel back in… I believe it was 2018. And while I didn’t quite make it in time to be part of the release, and my story really didn’t end up being a retelling… like… at all… that is where the first flickers of idea began. That’s where it all started.

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Art Contest Winners, a Giveaway, a Sale, and a Birthday Celebration

Today is An Echo of the Fae's FIRST BIRTHDAY!!!!⁠

I still can't believe this little story is a whole year old already. I have been overwhelmed by how much people seem to enjoy this heart project that God gave me.⁠

Many thanks to all who entered the fan art contest!

I absolutely love each and every one of these pieces, which made choosing my favorite extremely difficult (as I knew it would be). But the time has come for winners to be announced!

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The Fairy Tale Tag: Choose Your Own Adventure

It’s time for another tag!

This one was created by the wonderful curators of all things fairy tale, over at The Fairy Tale Central blog. Which, if you haven’t checked out already, you really should!

This month at the Fairy Tale Central they’ve been doing a compilation of all things fairy tale, and I thought I should definitely weave in their tag, since it goes so well with what we’ve been doing over here at #FantasyMonth.

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First Fandom: My Top Ten Favorite Fairy Tales

Sleeping Beauty’s dress should be blue.

Her dress is blue for the majority of the movie. When she gets the dress, it’s blue (and she appears to love it). When she wears the dress, it’s blue. When the prince finds her asleep, she’s in a blue dress. Just because Flora changes it to pink occasionally, why is it that in almost every picture and toy figurine, Princess Aurora is depicted in a PINK dress?

These are questions that need answering.

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