Posts in Blogging Challenges
Know the Novel 2023

Well… I started writing this in October… does that count? heheh

Better late than never, I guess.

It’s time for Know the Novel! And this year, I’m talking about something other than the Turrim Archive!!! (try not to faint)

Know the Novel is an annual blog tag hosted by the marvelous Christine Smith as a place to talk about the stories we are working on. This year, I am officially participating in her #FicFrenzy event, and even though my goal is teensy, I have been enjoying it as a motivation to get back to drafting something new!

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FallFicFrenzy + Know the Novel Part 2

November, my favorite month of the year!

I might be slightly biased, as this is my birthday month… but hey, as Ken Ham says, “Everybody is biased. It’s just a question of which is the best bias to be biased with anyway?”


So, I’ve been having a blast participating in Christine Smith’s Know the Novel and Fall Fic Frenzy over the past several weeks.

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