Posts in Tags
Know the Novel 2023

Well… I started writing this in October… does that count? heheh

Better late than never, I guess.

It’s time for Know the Novel! And this year, I’m talking about something other than the Turrim Archive!!! (try not to faint)

Know the Novel is an annual blog tag hosted by the marvelous Christine Smith as a place to talk about the stories we are working on. This year, I am officially participating in her #FicFrenzy event, and even though my goal is teensy, I have been enjoying it as a motivation to get back to drafting something new!

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The Jolly Genre Jubilee Tag

It’s been a while since I played a good game of blog tag, and so I was riffling through my stacks of blog posts and potential blog posts and found this one that I was tagged for… um… two years ago.


I have all these great intentions, you know. I just have been having a hard time keeping up with all the things the past couple of years. I blame all the writing of the books. That’s not a bad thing. It just means that there are seasons when this place is a bit quiet.

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Know the Novel Part 1 2022

Yay! Know the Novel is back!

The talented and amazing Christine Smith is running her annual Know the Novel blog challenge and I’m delighted to use it to share some tidbits of what I’m working on this Fall with you.

I’m also joining up with Christine’s Fall Fiction Writing Frenzy which is running from Oct. 15 - Nov. 15 and allows us to set our own personal goals, which is always lovely.

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Know the Novel - Part 3: Words Written

November is over, and that means we get the questions for the final link-up of the 2021 edition of Know the Novel.

Know the Novel is a 3-part linkup series for writers, one for each of the last three months of the year. Each part features ten questions you can answer on your own blog (or anywhere else on social media, if you’d like!). The questions focus on different parts of your novel and how the writing is going.

Created by the amazing Christine Smith, this link-up encourages us to share bits from our works-in-progress and do a little authorly introspection, as well! I love this link-up and am enjoying being able to participate this year, despite going all NaNoWriMo Rebel-Rogue this year and editing instead of drafting!

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Fantasy Fandom Tag

It’s Fantasy Month once again, and here I am with my second post, stealing Madeline'‘s Tag because I’m too lazy to create my own. But hey, I thought this tag was pretty epic, and I have been wanting to answer the questions since she made it…. uuuummmm… two years ago. And it goes with this year’s Fantasy Month theme. So many good reasons to snag this!

Also, hearts! And love! And Valentine’s Day! And fandoms we love! What could be better?

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