The Jolly Genre Jubilee Tag

It’s been a while since I played a good game of blog tag, and so I was riffling through my stacks of blog posts and potential blog posts and found this one that I was tagged for… um… two years ago.


I have all these great intentions, you know. I just have been having a hard time keeping up with all the things the past couple of years. I blame all the writing of the books. That’s not a bad thing. It just means that there are seasons when this place is a bit quiet.

Anyway, without any further ado…



  • thank the blogger who tagged you, and leave a link back to their blog

  • leave a link back to the creator of the tag >> (I mean, technically this bit is optional, but I’d really appreciate a link back, especially if you enjoyed the tag!)

  • answer the questions honestly, and include at least one (1) gif of a pelican >> it’s in the rules, folks. you have to do it.

  • tag 3+ friends to do the tag on their own blogs! >> and make sure to give them cookies. because that’s always fun.

THANK YOU, KENZIE! Who also happens to be the creator of the tag… formerly at Smudged Thoughts, but now at Featherwick Press!


What is your favorite genre of fiction to write?

Surprising absolutely no one, the answer to this is whole-heartedly: Fantasy! I especially love epic fantasy and fairy tale fantasy, but I’m also really falling in love with this little gaslamp fantasy niche market, where I get to have airships AND wizards, and it’s super fun.

What genre would you NEVER get caught writing? . . .EVER.

I mean, there are some obvious ones. Erotica, for example, is never going to be seen coming from my writing pen. But in a less, “well duh” sort of answer? Probably anything historical. That’s a lot of work just to have someone get mad at you for getting some tiny detail “wrong.” I don’t know if I can take that kind of pressure.

What fictional genre feels most like home to you?

Epic fantasy for sure. It’s the number one genre that I read, and the one I probably enjoy the most. It’s where I got started reading and loving speculative fiction in general, so it has a dear, nostalgic place in my heart. It’s also the category into which most of my tippy top favorite books fall, and whenever I don’t know what I’m in the mood for, I’m always in the mood for some epic fantasy.

Give me all the epic quests, dangerous adventures, chosen ones, prophecies with a hint of doom, dragons, magical weapons, mysterious mentors, and vast, sweeping landscapes PLEASE AND THANK YOU!

My second home (my summer home? ha!) would be anything fairy tale. Original, retellings, cursed characters, some kind of moral lesson, plus all the whimsy and wholesome happily ever afters? Yes. I will take a second helping, thanks.

If you could transform your real life into any genre of your choosing, which would it be?

Probably some kind of Middle Grade Portal Fantasy. That’s another absolute favorite of mine, and I’m thinking it’s a genre I could actually survive in, which is always important.

What genre does your real life most resemble at the moment?

Hmmm… what genre is Anne of Green Gables or Where the Red Fern Grows? Because I’m thinking it’s something like that. I mean, maybe rom-com? But like… a rom-com sequel, after the wedding and there’s life and kids and family vacations and everyday mishaps, but nothing serious or earth-shattering.

Or maybe cozy magical realism, since that’s more in keeping with my speculative fiction brand.

What’s a genre you’re interested in writing, even though you’ve never written it before?

Never written before? It’s hard to come up with one I haven’t written before that I still want to explore. So I’m going to go with one that I haven’t written much of, instead.

Science fiction.

I’ve always preferred watching science fiction and reading fantasy, but I do have several ideas for science fiction stories that I would love to get around to writing eventually.

So, yes, Space Lanes and Earl’s Dilemma (both available to read at are sci-fi, so I have written a teensy bit of it, but not a whole book… yet. Someday, Blake and Earl are getting their own book.

Going back a question, maybe magical realism. Or urban fantasy. Those seem like they would be fun to play with.

What genre is your most recent plot bunny, and where did it come from?

I don’t know that I have a “recent” plot bunny. I have a ton of various stories in the queue that are patiently waiting their turn. Hmmm….

Okay, my truly most recent plot bunny is a children’s picture book about a knight who hears someone crying for help, and as he asks around, he discovers that there is a dragon living up in a cave on the mountainside and that the kingdom’s princess has recently gone missing. He goes on a difficult journey to get to the dragon’s cave, but what he finds when he gets there is not what he expected.

I got the idea from one of my nieces.

How many genres have you written thus far in your writing journey?

Let’s count them, shall we? (I’ll include short stories/flash fiction)

Horse stories
Epic fantasy
Portal fantasy
Fairy tale retelling
Gaslamp fantasy
Ghost stories

Nine different genres? That’s not too shabby!


Except that I’m not entirely certain who has already done this tag… since it has been two years since I was tagged.

So… instead of tagging them to do this post (though they are welcome to if they want!) here are some blogs that I love that you ought to check out, instead! Swing by, read a post or two, and leave them a comment, please!

A.M. Reynwood

The Grim Writer

Light and Shadows


And that’s it for the Jolly Genre Book Tag! Next week, I’ll be posting about How to Watch Bluey as an Adult! (or how to introduce Bluey to an adult)

What are YOUR favorite genres to read and/or write? Let me know in the comments!

Oh… I almost forgot the pelican gif! Here you go: