How to Watch Bluey as an Adult

Bluey is one of those popular phenomenons that I actually was a little ahead of the curve on!

Over a year ago, my kids asked if they could watch this show, so I did a little research and told them that, “yeah, that looks ok.”

My then 13-year old daughter went and watched ALL the episodes before anyone else could to find out if there was anything objectionable in them, so that they wouldn’t have to deal with any disappointment should something crop up and require that they turn it off.

(I love having big kids)

(I also love having trustworthy kids)

Anyway, I saw bits and pieces of Bluey over the next few months, as the kids would watch Saturday morning cartoons. I saw a couple of friends talking about how Bluey was “the perfect kids’ show” and I thought scoffingly to myself, “Better than Phineas and Ferb? Unlikely.”

However, the kids kept telling me that I should watch Bluey. And they kept popping out with some cute (but odd) words and phrases: “brekky” instead of breakfast, “sunnys” instead of sunglasses, as just a couple of examples.

I’m not sure how it happened, but I finally sat down to watch my first full episode….

And I instantly fell in love.

I am absolutely convinced that this show was written by someone from my generation who has kids.

And that made this show relatable to everyone in my family.

I was hooked. And my kids (mostly my oldest daughter) kept picking out episode after episode for me to watch with them, and every episode got better and better, hooking me more and more.

Thus was how we accidentally stumbled upon this list of episodes for introducing adults to Bluey.

Because as an adult, you can’t just start at episode 1 and continue. You need a certain amount of context as an adult that kids don’t really need. Kids can jump right in at season 1, episode 1, and be perfectly content. But adults… we need a little bit of extra help.

So here is our list of 20 episodes for indoctrinating erm, hooking your adult friends on this sweet, clever, brilliant, beautiful cartoon show that manages to pack a whole lot of fun, life lessons, and real-life scenarios into their short 7-minute episodes. We have watched these specific episodes in this order (or close to this order) with 14 different adults now, and all of them have fallen in love with the series the way we did. It’s not a guarantee… but it does come with a high success rate for us.

And if you haven’t watched Bluey… I challenge you to watch these 20 episodes, and then come back and tell me if it worked!

A teensy bit of helpful knowledge before you start:

Bluey and Bingo are sisters. They live with their Mum and Dad in a cute neighborhood in Australia. They have numerous family members who come into various episodes. The characters are all various breeds of dog.

And why am I talking about Bluey here on my blog where I mostly talk about fantasy stuff?

Well, that’s a great question. Mostly, it’s because I don’t stay inside boxes well and I like Bluey and I often talk about things I like on my blog, whether they are laser-focused on my brand or not.

However, in the case of Bluey… we’re also talking about a show that is… at the very least… magical realism adjacent, if not straight up magical realism. Because there are things that happen in Bluey that I, as the viewer, cannot decide whether or not there’s actual magically stuff going on or just everyone in the family is truly fantastic at throwing themselves whole-heartedly into a make-believe game. Like… phenomenally fantastic.

And there is at least one episode where we get to see that fairies do, in fact, exist… so… make your own conclusions regarding that.

Pass the Parcel - season 3 episode 13

This is the first full episode that I ever saw and it has everything! 80s references, a parent concerned about kids not learning the right lessons, kids growing up, and a whole lotta humor!

As an adult, you really, really have to start here. This will give you a great feel for the show as a whole, introduce you to the family, neighbors, friends, and the show’s sense of humor. But it will also introduce you well to the heart-threads of pure gold that run throughout the entire show thus far.

Pavlova - season 3 episode 17

If you’re sick of watching movies or shows that hate men, then this episode is one you're sure to love. Dad is the hero of this episode.
**episode’s enjoyment is enhanced by watching it with someone who can translate the French words Dad says

There are multiple beautiful moments in this episode, alongside the hilarity. But my favorite bit is at the end watching Mum acknowledge that Dad is head of household and she has to be ok with that and trust him. Also… pay close attention to the dialogue at the very beginning between Mum and Dad as they are playing a board game together. Took me 6 times watching this episode to catch that nugget of gold and fully appreciate it!

Grandad - season 2 episode 29

This one has a couple moments of heart-wrenching sweetness, but also a whole lotta fun and laughter. Some very relatable stuff for the adults in this one!

Rain - season 3 episode 18

Just an absolutely gorgeous example of how you really don’t need any words at all to tell a beautiful story!

The Creek - season 1 episode 29

This one will make you want to head outside to a creek with your own kids!

Piggyback - season 2 episode 24

Any parent who has taken a small child on a walk will identify with this episode!

Mini Bluey - season 3 episode 6

The kids decide to show mum and dad what it would be like in the house if Bingo and Bluey were exactly the same!

Cafe - season 2 episode 37

In which we see highlighted the difference in how kids can make friends instantly, but adults take a little longer.

Bingo - season 2 episode 6

Bingo has to learn how to entertain herself without her big sister around.

Phones - season 3 episode 16

Grandad comes to visit and the kids demonstrate everything wrong with the world since the pandemic. Or maybe that’s just my PTSD talking.

Ice Cream - season 2 episode 33

In which dad teaches the girls that “whoever said life is fair? Where is that written?” but also how to share.

Sticky Gekko - season 3 episode 12

In which mom tries to leave the house with 2 children. It goes about how you’d expect.

Ragdoll - season 3 episode 24

In which the girls learn the value of hard work.

Squash - season 2 episode 4

Meet Stripe, dad’s little brother!

Fairy tale - season 3 episode 25

Get the backstory of how Mum and Dad met! Also, learn about the 80s… a wild place!

Unicorse - season 3 episode 7

Mum and Dad try to get Bluey to go to sleep… and they have very different ideas of how to do that!

Library - season 2 episode 30

A good one to meet Muffin in, the girls’ cousin. Learn how to deal with difficult people…

Bike - season 1 episode 11

Sometimes, you just have to keep trying.

Camping - season 1 episode 43

Just a truly sweet episode about fleeting friendships and people who come into your life for a short time, but leave it better than they found it.

Turtleboy - season 3 episode 31

This one is a bit newer and wasn’t in my initial list, but has instantly taken a special spot in our hearts because it is simply beautiful, so it deserves its spot here as #20.

At this point… you can probably watch the rest of the episodes in whatever order you want.

Because you’re already hooked.

Have you watched Bluey? What do you think of it? Which episode did you watch first?