Posts in Television Shows
A Fond Farewell

I don’t remember exactly when we started watching Top Gear. It was somewhere between 2008 and 2011, I know that much. I also know that our dear friends, Meg and Jason, were the ones who first brought it to our attention. When they asked us if we watched the show, my first thought was, “A show about cars? Boring!”

But we like our friends rather a lot, and we knew they liked a lot of the same things as we did, and so we decided to watch an episode, if only so we could say we had given it a shot.

I did not expect to enjoy it.

I definitely never expected to fall in love.

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How to Watch Bluey as an Adult

Here is our family’s list of 20 episodes for indoctrinating erm, hooking your adult friends on this sweet, clever, brilliant, beautiful cartoon show that manages to pack a whole lot of fun, life lessons, and real-life scenarios into their short 7-minute episodes. We have watched these specific episodes in this order (or close to this order) with 14 different adults now, and all of them have fallen in love with the series the way we did. It’s not a guarantee… but it does come with a high success rate for us.

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The Book of Boba Fett

Another TV Show Review!

Because the last one went so well. snark

But, you know, ever the optimist over here.

So we’ve been watching The Book of Boba Fett, and there are now 3 episodes available to watch.

So far, I’ve been enjoying it mightily, and I’m very much looking forward to episode 4 this week.

I’m not even going to try to do this without spoilers, so consider this your warning:


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Wheel of Time: Episodes 1-4

So, the long-awaited Wheel of Time television adaptation is finally here!

I’ve been sort of… dreading? this series since I heard it was coming. A little backstory… I never watched even a single clip of Game of Thrones. One, I knew from what other people were saying that I wouldn’t appreciate the sexual content, and Two, I’d never read any of the books so I kinda didn’t care.

But when it comes to The Wheel of Time… well… I’ve read those books.

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