Should Christians Write Stories that Include Magic?

This question comes up rather a lot in many of the author groups I’m in.

Today, I get to share my thoughts on the topic with you in a different sort of format, and I’m super excited about it!

David Liberto very kindly had me over to his podcast to discuss this topic, and we had a wonderful conversation. I think you’ll really enjoy it.

Some of you may remember the blog post I wrote on this topic (you can read it HERE if you missed it). That was kind of my jumping off point, but our conversation took us all over the place and it was such a blast chatting with David about this sometimes tricky topic.

Swing on by and give it a listen! Please make sure to like, comment, or subscribe to David’s channel. I think his podcast is definitely going to be one worth coming back to!

You can watch the interview on Youtube:

Or if you prefer, you can listen to it in podcast form:

Either way, make sure to check out the Mustardseed Realms Podcast website and let David know you swung by!

What are your thoughts on this topic? I’d love to hear them! Please consider leaving a comment, either on the podcast itself or right here on this post!