Supervillain Rescue Project


Dear Reader, I am so excited about this series! I read and loved the series that this one spun-off from, and I’m excited about this new adventure with a more YA flavor!

To celebrate the pre-order and cover reveal of book 3 in the Supervillain Rescue Project YA Superhero series, book 1 is free, book 2 is 99c, and for a limited time you can pre-order book 3 for 99c as well!

Promotion ends February 12th, so act soon! 

A character driven series filled with action, found family, and superpowered adventure!

Any way you slice it… that’s a spectacular deal! But it ends on Saturday, so don’t delay!

Not sure yet? Well, check out the blurbs…


Jake's family ties have turned to cuffs.

Born with the ability to fragment his body at a molecular level, Jake Lucas has devoted his life to his uncle's supervillain gang. When he's captured by superheroes, he's certain his life is over at only sixteen.

To Jake's surprise, he doesn't end up in prison but at Camp Sable: an intervention project for at-risk super powered teens. Jake's not interested in rehabilitation. As far as he's concerned, the camp mentors are just a barrier between him and his true family, the Sand Fox gang.

Forced to work alongside the likewise screwed up duo of fire-powered Marco and electricity manipulator Laleh, Jake waits for the perfect escape opportunity. Having friends and the chance at a real family is more appealing than Jake originally thought, but going soft can cost a supervillain his life. Jake soon finds the forces fighting to control his life threatening to tear him apart.

Will Jake choose to remain the villain his uncle made him, or become the hero his new friends think he can be?

A Young Adult Superhero series featuring found family, friendship, and one superpowered ferret.


It's dangerous to go alone. Even for superheroes.

Laleh Ashe has found her first real friends at Camp Sable, a refuge for at-risk superpowered teens, but her politically ambitious mother has other plans. Mrs. Ashe is determined to send Laleh to a fancy, overseas boarding school—far from her friends and the life she's come to love. To drown her sorrows, Laleh agrees to a table top role playing game with her friends, Marco and Jake, as well as the new girl at camp—shy, withdrawn Rian. Too bad no one warned her about Rian's reality bending superpowers.

Sucked into a fantasy world created by Rian's imagination, Laleh and her friends must scramble to master their magical new surroundings and complete their quest if they are to have any hope of getting home again.

This magical world is less fun than it sounds, but as Laleh and her friends face the various challenges, Laleh can't help but remember that all that waits for her in the real world is separation from her friends and a life under the thumb of her overbearing mom. Maybe going home is seriously overrated.

Superheroes meet Portal Fantasy in this second book of the Supervillain Rescue Project Young Adult Series.


When family's involved, the line between hero and villain can get blurry.

15-year-old Marco Reyes has spent a year at a camp for at-risk superpowered teens, learning to control his fire throwing abilities in hopes of being a superhero someday. With his powers mastered, he wants nothing more than to return to his mother. His mother, though, may not be ready to care for him.

When Marco's Mom blows off their meeting in San Diego, Marco's guardians take it as a sign the woman isn't responsible enough to care for her superpowered son. Marco, though, knows that this time something's different from his mother's other absences. He's convinced someone's taken her.

Slipping away from the safety of his camp family, Marco follows a clue that leads to a supervillain recruiting agency and allies with a supervillain who is after the same agency for her own reasons. Marco's camp friends are on his trail, but will he find his mom before they bring him in? Or is his mother simply a pawn in a much deadlier scheme?

Do you enjoy superhero stories? Who is your favorite super hero? If you could have one super power, what would you want it to be and why?