Rimewinter: Cover Reveal

There are so many amazing books to look forward to!

Here’s another one that I will be grabbing a copy of as soon as it’s available, and definitely in hard cover to match its predecessor, Truesilver!

Truesilver made my TOP FIVE favorite fantasy reads of last year, and you can read my full review of the book HERE.

The anxiously awaited second book in the Swordspeaker Saga is coming soon, and today we’re celebrating the cover unveiling!

Before we get to the gorgeous cover, let’s read a little bit about this next installment in the series, shall we?

Kion and Tiryn have not heard from their mother since the war began. It’s all but certain she was captured by the haukmar army and Kion blames himself. Now with his flaming sword, Truesilver, at his side, he’ll take on a whole host of foes to get her back. He only hopes his sister—who won’t be left behind this time—doesn’t get hurt along the way.

But the paths and wilds of the Four Wards hold more than just the haukmar hordes. Dark beasts lurk in the shadows. A traitor haunts their steps. And strangest of all, it’s started to hail—though summer’s just begun. Will the world ever return to the way it once was? And what chilling adventure awaits down their path?

Buy Rimewinter to discover the next legendary tale in the Swordspeaker Saga.

And now… I’m sure you are very excited to see the gorgeous cover, right?

All right!

Here we go!

Just a little further….




What say you? Isn’t it just gorgeous? I love these covers so much, and I’m sure I’ll love the story inside just as much!

Do you love epic fantasy?

What about talking swords?

If you love stories like Chronicles of Prydain, the Wingfeather Saga, and Lord of the Rings… you are sure to love the Swordspeaker Saga!