Dreaming of Adventures for 2023

Happy New Year, dear Reader!

It’s time for my annual “looking back / looking forward” blog post.

In which I glance back at the dreams I had for the past year and see how I did, and then we discuss some of the new (or recurring) dreams I have for the new year.

Because here in the Stormcave we don’t do “resolutions.” No… we dream. And we often dream big!

But before we begin dreaming about 2023, let’s take a look at last year’s dreams and see how I did.


Turrim Archive

I had some kind of nebulous goals for my gaslamp/fantasy series that looked a lot like: “move Turrim Archive to a place where I can start publishing in Summer 2023.”

Now, usually, that wouldn’t work well. I like concrete goals that I can cross off a list… but back in January of last year I wasn’t entirely certain how much I could get done in a year, nor was I really able to quantify the steps of the process.

But… that doesn’t seem to have been a bad thing. Because in 2022…

  • I got through the content edits on books 1, 2, and 3 of the Turrim Archvive

  • I got through the line edits on The Orb and the Airship (book 1)

  • I got through the proof edits on The Orb and the Airship (book 1)

  • I got The Orb and the Airship into formatting

  • I have covers for books 1 and 2 of the Turrim Archive

  • I wrote 40,000 new words on The Prisoner and the Pirate (book 4 of Turrim Archive) and began the first round of content edits

So I would say that I can check this goal as “accomplished” as this book 1 will definitely be ready to publish by June as planned, with book 2 not too far behind.

Draft Two novellas

Ah! A more concrete goal!

I am happy to say that not only did I get my Oliver Twist retelling drafted… I also got it all the way through content, line, and proof reading edits, and it’s currently in the queue for formatting so I’m counting this as a massive win. Especially since it’s the fastest I’ve ever taken a book from “draft to done.” (9 months!)

I did not get any work done on my Sleeping Beauty retelling, but it was low priority.

Begin Outlining work on a sequel to An Echo of the Fae

I am pleased to say that I have a very detailed outline for this book!

Find an illustrator for my next Children’s Book

I actually found illustrators for my next TWO children’s books, one of which is completely written and half the illustrations are already finished!

The other children’s book is in the “I know what it will be about” stage. ehehe


I set a very low goal of reading 25 books and blew that completely out of the water. I finished 86 books before the end of the year, and you can read more about which ones I loved best at last week’s post!

I read a total of 20,030 pages (actually a few more because some beta-reads were not included on my goodreads stats).

My longest book read was 558 pages, and my shortest was 15. The average length of all the books I read was 238 pages.

Best of all, my average star rating was 4.3/5.0. I read mostly 4 and 5 star books this year, and it’s always nice to finish the year having read a ton of books that I enjoyed!

Blogging/Social Media

I had set a goal to keep the blog going, but also to spend less time online in general, and for the most part I think I managed to do that. The blog took a few longer and unexpected hiatuses than I expected, but it allowed me to get a ton of writing and editing done, so I think it will be more than worth it for a bit of a “drought” year on the blog.


Life in 2022 did not look much like I expected it to at the beginning of the year. My husband switched jobs and we spent a ton more time on the road and traveling this year than I expected, but it was all good differences. We were busy, but we were busy together. We didn’t go camping, and we didn’t go to the lake as much as any of us wanted, but we did see a lot of family, and we did spend a ton of time outside. We got to go to some of my sister’s concerts and my kids got to spend a lot of time with their cousins. We went on an epic hike at Peninsula State Park. I ran in my very first foot race (and didn’t come in dead last!) We experienced a multitude of blessings.


Adventuring into 2023

So, what am I dreaming for 2023?

Well, if I had to sum it up in one word… it would be: ADVENTURE.

This year is definitely going to be a new adventure, particularly on the author front. I have a lot of plans and goals, and I think they are actually doable!


Mostly they revolve around finally retiring this old notebook. Its a little battered and worn… partially because it’s actually been *gasp* used!!! It’s been with me since 2013, and it has a lot of scribbles in it. Most of those scribbles have to do with the Turrim Archive. The first pages are the rough draft of the prologue for The Orb and the Airship.

The Turrim Archive has been in the works since 2005, though I didn’t start drafting it until 2013.

And this year… finally… I plan to publish it.

In fact… I plan to publish three novels this year:

  • June 2023: The Orb and the Airship (Turrim Archive book 1)

  • September 2023: Oliver Twist retelling (title reveal coming soon!)

  • December 2023: Mantles of Oak and Iron (Turrim Archive book 2)

I am also planning on having the audiobooks of each of these books available at the same time as the hardcover/paperback/ebook versions.

I am planning on doing more intentional marketing of these books and learning more about marketing in general.

My big dream is to get through at least the line edits on Turrim Archive books 3-5, if not through proof edits on at least books 2-3. Book 4 is giving me fits right now with how much adding and re-writing I’ve had to do—and some of those additions and rewrites will affect book 5—but I’m still hopeful that I can get through the vast majority of editing this series so I can actually…… draft something new for a change!

And yes, I did draft a whole new novel last spring, but it still feels like I’m stuck in editing purgatory and while there are things I love about editing, my brain keeps screaming at me that it’s starving for creativity and wants to draft something again. I really want to get to work on the sequel to Echo, as well as write my Sleeping Beauty retelling!


25 books was a low mark on purpose. I’m probably going to set it low again this year, knowing that I’ll probably hit at least twice that. But I prefer for reading not to be something hanging over my head. It’s what I do for fun and I don’t need to turn it into a chore.

Blogging/Social Media

I’m hoping to blog at least once a month (hopefully more like every other week) throughout the year, though that will definitely ramp up more near releases.

I plan to participate in the Silmaril Awards again in September (that will be interesting, as I’ll also be releasing a book in September)!

I will not be doing February is Fantasy Month this year. I’m sorry. I just can’t spare the mental energy for that this year. Hopefully it will return in the future.

I’m hoping to spend less time on facebook and instagram this year, moving more of my energies to my blog and my discord channel, so make sure you’re subscribed to my blog or come join my discord to keep up on all the things as they happen. If you want early access to things like covers, ARCs, and extra goodies, here and discord are where those things will be available first!


This year, I want to take life as it comes. Be more flexible. Spend lots of time outdoors. Play board games with my kids.

I want to get back in the habit of spending time daily with the Lord. I do a lot of Bible reading with my family, and Bible teaching, and I help my husband lead our small group at church… and I know that all of that counts, but I want to be better about spending quiet time with God just on my own, too. If that makes sense. Without all the noise or pressure. Just reading my Bible and learning what He has to teach me specifically. On my knees talking to my Savior without anyone listening in.

I also want to keep up the habit of running that I began last spring and maybe even participate in another race or two. I’ve found that while I still don’t love running, I don’t hate it, either… and I like the benefits.

I still want to climb a mountain. But maybe I can just get back to the indoor rock wall. grin

Just like 2022, I want 2023 to be one full of life and adventure. I want to live. I want to be more intentional about my time and how I spend it. I want to be daring and bold.

And I want to enjoy things. And do things I enjoy. And do those things I enjoy with the people I love.

Now… bring me that horizon!

What are your dreams for the coming year, dear Reader?