Of Dedications and Golden Hour


If you’ve opened up Steal the Morrow, you may have noticed the dedication page.

Today, I get to finally explain a little.

“No… there is too much… let me sum up…”

Just kidding. I get to explain all I like here on my own blog!

You see… Brittany is my sister. And she is one of the sweetest, most beautiful souls I have ever had the privilege of knowing. And I dedicated Steal the Morrow to her because she is such an absolute treasure and I’m so proud to be her sister.

Earlier this year, I got to travel across the country to visit Brittany. While there, I got to road-trip with her out to the Oregon coast and “help” her shoot her new music video. (And when I say “help” I mostly mean, “watch.”) I got to hang out with Brittany, my brother (the producer of the operation), Jordyn Dunseath (the videographer and director), Evan Brandt (backup cameraman), and my dad for two days while they took all the video for the music video.

I got to carry the tripod (which made me feel useful) and make sure that there was a blanket to wrap around Brittany between takes (because the beach was WAY colder than it looks!) and just generally enjoy hanging out with everyone. I got to see parts of the country I’ve never seen, including Cannon Bay and Latourell Falls. And I got to be a part of something epic.

Brittany wrote “Golden Hour” a couple of years ago. She released it as a single a while back, and it will be on her new album, releasing this Friday.

She wrote this song as a tribute to those people who just make you better for knowing them. Those people you can’t wait to see again. Those dear souls that don’t brighten up rooms… they brighten up the lives they touch.

And I dedicated this book to Brittany, with these words of hers, because she is just such a person, and I could think of no better way to tell her. Not because she’s an amazing writer and talented musician (though she is). Not because she makes the world better with her music (though she does).

But because she makes the world better by being in it.

And to some extent… she helped inspire a few of the characters in Steal the Morrow. Olifur’s courage and integrity as well as Nneka’s gentle kindness.

And I wish you could all get a chance to meet her, but since I don’t have a teleporter yet (I really need one), I’d like to introduce you.

This is my sister, Brittany.


She can imitate voices with an accuracy that is scary.

She has read all the right sorts of books.

She is incredibly kind.

She will literally sit and play board games with her nieces and nephews for hours and the smile never leaves her face. Even when they completely wear her out.

She has a delightful sense of humor that is part dry, part teasing, part self-deprecating, and all sweetness.

She is the bravest person I know.

She is talented.

She is really funny.

She can probably recite the entirety of the Harry Potter movie franchise, as well as Emma, Pride and Prejudice (take your pick as to which version), and Band of Brothers. (Yes, that is a rather eclectic resume).

She is the type of person who will happily go see Jurassic World Dominion with me and sit in the back laughing her head off with me at how dumb it is and consider it an evening well-spent.

She is an enthusiastic cheerleader of her family and friends.

She is my best friend.

She is my sister.

And so much more. But she’s probably already upset with me over this post, so I’ll stop. Instead, I’d like to direct you to her newest music video. You won’t be sorry you took a couple of minutes to watch it.



Find more Brittany Jean Music or follow Brittany around the interwebs:






And if you’d like to see a few more pictures behind-the-scenes, as it were from the shoot of “Golden Hour” - swing by my Instagram. Though I’m sure that in the coming days Bruce Trek will have even better pictures posted!