An Evening in the Stormcave

My brother and I are embarking on a new adventure!

Or rather… fulfilling part of a dream that’s been percolating for 13 years.

Flash-back with me to Christmas, 2010. Grant had an idea. A vision. A dream of a family publishing and production company that would come together and work towards the publication of my books and the production of Brittany’s music. We would combine our talents, work towards a common goal, and create family-friendly entertainment together.

Interwoven into this dream was something called “An Evening in the Stormcave” – the idea was some sort of video production, a round table discussion of some of our favorite books, movies, and music that we have enjoyed with our families over the years.

Fast-forward 10 years, 7 books, 5 albums, and 9 children later… and Grant and I have decided to finally just dive into that An Evening in the Stormcave idea. We have launched our very own Youtube channel and Podcast!

Living 1600 miles and 2 time zones apart makes it a little difficult. But modern technology helps a lot.

We have a lot to learn still (like how to upload to audio-only platforms so we can actually claim we have a podcast) but we are learning and having fun along the way.

For our first episode, Allison Tebo graciously agreed to come be a guest on our show to talk about the multi-author series she put together called A Classic Retold, and what it’s like managing that, and a little bit about her contribution to the series, Break the Beast: A Retelling of Beowulf. Of course I also chatted a bit about my book in the collaboration as well, Steal the Morrow: A Retelling of Oliver Twist!

Would love it if you’d give it a listen/watch! As I said, we’re still ironing out a lot and trying to figure out when we’ll be able to get episode 2 out. Hopefully we can get into a groove and release these on a fairly consistent basis at some point. But sometimes you just need to dive in… and that’s what we’ve done. I hope you’ll join us for An Evening in the Stormcave, a place to shelter from the storm and find quality family-friendly entertainment.


I’ve also gotten quite a bit of experience as a guest on various podcasts this year. If you’d like to hear any of my interviews, you can now find them all on my new page: