Meet the Turrim Cast: Ioan Petrescu

Mantles of Oak and Iron launches on Friday!

To say that I am excited would be a massive understatement.

Today, I want to introduce you to one of the new characters you will meet in this second installment of the Turrim Archive!

Never fear, you will still get plenty of time with Dalmir, Captain Marik and his crew, Grayden, Wynn, and Beren as well!

Ioan Petrescu

But Ioan is one of those characters who kind of crept up on me and was a major part of the story before I really realized what was going on.

Ioan is about ten years older than Beren. He has already graduated from the Academy and at the beginning of Mantles of Oak and Iron, he has just been promoted to Captain.

Ioan is the grandson of the Regeont of Ondoura. Regeont Roshana raised him as a son after her daughter and son-in-law died when Ioan was little. As part of the Council of Three, Ioan and the Adelfried children grew up as close friends, almost like cousins. Despite the age difference, Beren and Ioan were quite close when they were younger.

Ioan is a natural leader. Despite being an only child, he tends to have a, “Rules are good as guidelines, but stupid rules can be broken” sort of mentality. He has a fairly laid-back personality, and tends to draw people into his circle, always making room for more. He’s the sort of person who fairly easily gets along with a variety of different personalities. His dead-pan sense of humor can hit people the wrong way sometimes, though.

Ioan was also responsible for introducing an element into this series that I wasn’t expecting at all. He took my gaslamp story about airships and pirates and politics and insisted that it needed a smidgen of high-fantasy tossed into the mix. I won’t say more on that right now, but I hope you enjoy Ioan’s story. I can easily see his story leading into future series set in this same world, and I am psyched to write them someday!

I hope you all enjoy meeting Ioan!

Don’t forget to grab Mantles of Oak and Iron this week at the low pre-order price of $2.99! The price will go back up to $5.99 on Friday!

And if you haven’t snagged a copy of The Orb and the Airship yet, it is on sale for just 99 cents this week as part of the launch celebration of book 2!