Who's Ready for a New Story?

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Once upon a time… an author had a story grip her by the throat and refuse to let her go until she had written it to the very last line.

Some of you may remember that last year, instead of writing the fifth book of the Turrim Archive in the spring as I had intended, a different story took over my life and forced me to write it first. That book is now just about ready to release into the wild! It is a fairy tale type story that involves the fae and is loosely (very loosely) inspired by Rapunzel. And that’s all I’m saying about it for now. If you want to know more before everyone else, well… keep reading!

The book is now written, edited, polished, and is just waiting for formatting, and now that I have gotten notes back from my awesome proof-readers, I think I might just actually hit the deadline I had been hoping for.

This story (which I cannot WAIT to tell you all about) revolves around the start of summer, and so I’ve been dreaming about releasing this book on June 21st, but I wasn’t sure I could hit that date. Well… it looks like that might actually be possible! So… that means I need some help from YOU, dear Reader!

So, if you’d like to see the cover and know the title of this book before everyone else, here’s your chance.

Below, you’ll find the sign-up form for helping out with the cover reveal! (June 1st - 5th) This is also where you can sign up for an ARC copy, which I’ll get sent out just as soon as the formatting is done.

The cover reveal form will also allow you to journey to another form if you would like to help out with the blog tour and the release of the book, which will (if all goes well and Lord willing) run June 21st - 30th.

I cannot even express to you how excited I am to get this story into the hands of my readers!