Let the 2024 Silmaril Awards Voting Commence!


stumbles out of the house looking about wildly and panting

Oh, hello. I’m sorry, I didn’t see you standing there. It has been a WEEK, my friends!

You all sent 49 mischievous imps to my house last week!

Actually, way more than 49… I’m not sure how many Nac Mac Feegles there are, but there seem to be more of them every time I turn around. And they are into everything!

And you know what? Some of them seem to have taken deep offense to only getting a single nomination, and appear to be using this as an excuse to up their mischievous games!

I have not one, but TWO Pucks here, and they are… well… mostly they seem to be content with giving random people donkey ears and making the strangest couples fall in love… Picture Lucinda from Ella Enchanted and Gurgi together for a minute… shudders… meanwhile, Peeves has been howling about the place and unscrewing all my lightbulbs. And I’m pretty sure Dojhur has stolen everything that isn’t nailed down… what’s that? Oh, yeah, he’s stolen a few things that were nailed down! And don’t even get me started on Howl. My whole house is now FLOATING and he insists it’s better that way. I am a bit concerned what he’ll do when he sees the voting form today… because I think a LOT of green slime might be in my future.

But I can’t say they aren’t super entertaining. Seriously, nobody in my house is bored right now.

Anyway, you don’t want to hear about my troubles. You want to see who made it into the Voting Round!

So here it is, my friends: the ballot with the top 5 characters from each category who are advancing this year.


Many congrats to all the finalists! And good luck to all! May the odds be ever in your…

oh, wait! No… hold on… Tasslehoff, that’s not… um… Luck! What are you… Razo!!! Argh!!!! Stop that, that’s a lighter and it’s not for playing with!