99 Reasons to Buy King's Warrior

Okay, I don't really have 99 reasons for you to buy King's Warrior. But I do have one reason!

The Kindle version is on sale for just 99 cents today!

The deal will begin at 8:00am PST

The sale will continue until August 13th, so tell your friends! And if you would be willing to help promote this deal, feel free to grab the html code over there to your right. It will provide you with the ability to post that snazzy blog button on your own site and help me spread the word!

If you wish, feel free to share the following blurb and/or excerpt, as well. Many thanks in advance.

KW FrontSix hundred years ago the land of Aom-igh was threatened with invasion by the Dark Country across the Stained Sea; in their danger King Llian sought the help of the dragons and the myth-folk. Graldon, King of the Dragons, granted the human king with a gift that would help him defeat his enemies. Graldon also promised King Llian that the dragons would come to the humans’ aid should Aom-igh ever be in such danger again. Years passed, and Aom-igh remained safe and isolated from its enemies. The dragons slowly disappeared and faded into legend and myth, and people forgot magic had ever existed. 

When her kingdom is threatened by the Dark Country once again, the headstrong Princess Kamarie must set off on a quest to find the one man who may be able to save them all: the former King’s Warrior. Traveling with her are two companions: her eccentric maid named Darby, and a squire named Oraeyn who resents his charge to travel with and protect the princess. 

Finding the legendary hero proves to be the least of their worries. Together the companions encounter more than they ever bargained for. A beautiful gatekeeper, a sword fashioned by dragons, enemies who pursue them relentlessly and hound them at every turn, and an underground world full of mythical creatures are just the beginning of their adventures. As they search for the answers to mystifying riddles and seek a way to save everything they hold dear the comrades will learn a little about courage, a lot about truth, and more about themselves than they ever imagined. And if they can succeed in their quest, they may even join worlds together.

Here's a little excerpt from near the beginning of the book - in which we meet Princess Kamarie before her true adventures begin:

“Princess, where have you been?” Darby sighed, as Kamarie entered her rooms. The elderly woman wrinkled her nose. “You smell like the stables again. I have been looking for you everywhere.”

“Relax, Darby,” Kamarie smiled. “There’s plenty of time before dinner.”

“Not if you don’t hurry!” The gray-haired woman ushered the princess across her grand bedroom to the smaller room where her bath had been drawn up and waited, the water quickly growing cool. “You need to wash that smell off you and then I’ll work on your hair. You really don’t have much time.”

When Kamarie emerged from her bath, clean and smelling of roses, she was dressed in a sapphire gown that matched her eyes and had been made from the finest satin in the realm. Darby sat her down in front of her mirror and clucked and fussed over the princess’ long, dark hair, combing, pinning, and arranging, all the while clicking her tongue disapprovingly. Kamarie smiled at her reflection, her blue eyes twinkling mischievously.

“Who is our guest of honor tonight, Darby?”

“Prince Elroy of Roalthae, Princess, as you would know very well if you paid better attention to your schedule.

“Ah yes, Elroy,” Kamarie sighed. “What do you know about him, Darby? I’ve only met him formally, and we’ve never talked. At least he’s a bit older than me, unlike the Duke of Lan-Point.”

Darby grinned at the memory. “That was definitely a surprise.”

Kamarie rolled her eyes. As she neared marrying age, her father had begun receiving letters requesting permission to court his daughter. As the only child of the King of Aom-igh, Princess Kamarie was an ideal match for any nobleman with the slightest ambition. King Arnaud tried to filter out the most horrifying requests, but some surprises still occurred. They had exchanged correspondence with the Duke of Lan Point, a small holding on the southern end of Iolanver and one of the four barrier islands directly to the east of Aom-igh. The duke wrote eloquently and respectfully, so Arnaud and Kamarie had agreed to invite him to the palace for a visit. When he arrived, they had discovered that he was extremely young, no more than five, and that his letters had been written by a well-meaning steward who simply wanted his young duke to be accorded the honor that an invitation to King Arnaud's palace would engender. King Arnaud had politely but firmly informed the steward that in the future he should be honest with his king, as it would save everyone subsequent embarrassment.

“He was sweet, exactly what I would like to have in a little brother,” Kamarie said.

“But not in a suitor.”

Kamarie smiled, “No... well, yes, but fifteen or twenty years older.”

“Well let’s see, what do I know of Prince Elroy,” Darby mused, holding barrettes up to Kamarie’s hair and considering. “Mmmm, he is the ruler of Roalthae.”


Roalthae was the largest and northernmost of the four barrier islands that stood directly between Aom-igh and open oceans. The barrier islands had always been friendly with Aom-igh, but they each had their own rulers. Of those rulers, three were married, leaving Prince Elroy as one of the best matches for Kamarie. In Roalthae, the ruler was given the title of “Prince” until he married and produced an heir, at which time his title would be changed to “King.” It was a strange system but one that worked well. As such, Prince Elroy was a worthy match for the Princess of Aom-igh, and it would be an attractive match for Elroy as well, since he would gain a larger throne than the one he currently occupied and could choose to either appoint one of his future heirs as Prince and future King of Roalthae or raise a deserving cousin to that position if he only had one heir. Add to all this Kamarie’s beauty and status as a wife and it was certainly an opportunity that the Prince of Roalthae would covet.

“Well, you know what he looks like: tall, handsome, blue eyes, dark hair, square jaw. He is said to be a fair ruler, although I have heard rumors that he is quite a bit sterner than your father. He keeps his country in line by threat of the sword, if you catch my meaning. However, that could simply be because he has no wife to temper him, and no heir to give him a feeling of security about his position.”

“What about his temperament?”

“I’ve heard he is an amiable man. If he has ambitions he keeps them closely guarded, he didn’t even write to your father until a few weeks ago, and you’ve already entertained dozens of would-be suitors. When I’ve seen him on formal occasions he seems friendly enough, but a bit aloof.”

Kamarie twisted her mouth in thought. “Well, I just hope he isn’t a complete bore. It doesn’t sound like he’s an ideal match for me, but I suppose I should give him a fair chance. Maybe he’ll surprise me and be an interesting conversationalist.” After a moment she grinned ruefully, thinking about some of the wild stories that were still told about her younger days. “Maybe we’ll surprise each other.”

Darby smiled and patted the top of Kamarie’s head gently. “You will be fine. Remember, your father has given you complete authority over your choice. Even if Prince Elroy is the best match for you politically, if you can’t stand the man you only have to suffer through one dinner in his company. At least, until you are queen, and then it will be your duty to host these sorts of occasions and mingle with your nobles.”

“Thanks for the comfort, Darby.” Kamarie grimaced. Then she stood up. “How do I look?”

“Lovely.” Darby smiled fondly at her young charge. “Don’t worry, I’ll be at your side, as always.”