April's Nightstand Books

April! The month of Spring showers and Spring temperatures. The month that brings buds to trees and birds back from their Southern roosts.I don't know why I always seem to have tons of things to post in the first week of any month. I need to find more blogging things that occur halfway through the month... hahaMy stack of books is a bit smaller for April, and a mite repetitive, as I didn't get as much read in March as I expected to.April NightstandStill working my way through C.S. Lewis' "The Problem of Pain." I know I could just read it swiftly, it's a short book, but I don't want to swallow it whole, I find Lewis' non-fiction is better when I have time to think about his words, chew them up in smaller chunks at a time.Reading The Lewis and Clark Expedition for history with the kids right now. I am loving this. One of my favorite non-fiction books ever is "Undaunted Courage" by Stephen Ambrose, and while this is NOT that... it's still a very good and kid-friendly (as in, not 700 pages) version of this amazing expedition.Our new read aloud is Winter Danger by William O'Steele. So far it is not my favorite of our read alouds, but it's still pretty good.In Grandma's Attic by Arleta Richardson continues to be a huge hit. I'm doling out the chapters a bit more shrewdly, though I did discover that there is a whole series after this book and that our library has them, so I think the girls will be excited to learn that!I haven't finished the Jasper Fforde book, but definitely still plan to read that in the near future, possibly this month.Not pictured on my actual nightstand because it's on my iPad, I am reading H.L. Burke's "Beggar Magic" with the Fellowship of Fantasy book club this month. I've never been part of a book club before (usually because it's hard to find a book club that's willing to read all books in the genre I prefer...) so I am highly enjoying the experience, it's fun to read a book with a group of people who are all reading the same book. I need more book money, though, because I'd MUCH rather read paperbacks than on my iPad.If anyone is interested in joining the book club, you can do so HERE. There's still plenty of time to join this month's read. We vote each month on the next book - usually from our members, or some other clean Indie fantasy selection, and have a party near the end of each month where the author of the book participates and answers questions. It's super fun.Also, several of the authors I've been having over for interviews with their characters are part of our new Read to Review program. You can find out more about that HERE.So how about you, dear Reader? What's on YOUR nightstand this month?