BATTLE OF EBULON: L. Blankenship

Disciple-PartII-cover-800Your Name: L. Blankenship

Title of the book that lends characters to Ebulon's need:

DISCIPLE is a six-part series -- Kate is sent to help Ebulon after the end of DISCIPLE, PART II.

Tell us a little bit about yourself as an author. Why do you write? What got you into writing?

I started writing animal stories, as a kid, and it's grown into quite an obsession since then. Why do I write? To answer complicated questions, to face personal demons, to have fun. And it's addictive.

Tell us a little bit about your character(s) who answer Ebulon’s call for help. Where do they come from? What is their world like? What about King Yadi's plea convinces them to join the battle?

Kate is a peasant girl whose magical talent got her plucked from the ranks and apprenticed to the kingdom's master healer. Now that a vast empire is about to invade her homeland, she's determined to use her growing abilities to help in any way she can.

King Yadi's plea struck a sympathetic chord in the kingdom's patron saints. They can't spare much, in the face of their own looming war, but Kate was ready and willing.

What intrigued you to take part in this collaboration?

Crossovers are interesting ideas, but difficult to pull off. The premise was interesting and sounded like it could work out -- and we could all have some fun doing it.

What about this collaboration was the most fun? Least fun?

The collaborative spirit has been great! I haven't not had fun, yet. There's been some talk of a second anthology, and I'd be interested in participating in that too.

Where can we learn more about your book(s)? (website/facebook/twitter/etc?)

Disciple's book blog: Goodreads author profile: