Belated Nightstand Books: July 2017

Well, it's not the first Wednesday of the month... and we're over halfway through July (WHAT?) but here we are with another round of "What's on YOUR Nightstand?"Nightstand BooksI hadn't done a nightstand books back at the beginning of July because I really didn't have anything new to show you! What with spending most of my spare time editing Minstrel's Call and doing all the behind-the-scenes prep for the Silmarillion Awards, I haven't had a ton of time for reading. This means that I am still working my way through The Aeronaut's Windlass from back in May... I renewed it from the library TWICE and maxed out my ability to renew the book and had to take it back. Thankfully, I have an amazing husband who went to the bookstore over his lunch break and bought me my very own copy! (Young ladies, take note... jewelry is nice, but a man who will take time out of his day to go get you the book you are bummed about having to put down... #dreamy)I have had a couple of nights at the pool watching our girls take swim lessons and have gotten a bit more time to read lately, which means two things. 1) Sadly, I am nearing the end of the book I am currently reading. 2) I can start thinking about new books to read!So, here's what is in my near future. From the bottom up:How to Study Your Bible for Kids by Kay Arthur & Janna Arndt - this is something I'm going through with Leiana and Nathalie this summer. It's a really neat way to introduce your kiddos to the concept of inductive Bible study. It frames everything in "detective lingo" and has fun things like crossword puzzles and fill-in-the-blanks and word searches to make it more kid-friendly. So far, we are enjoying it.Alora: The Wander Jewel by Tamie Dearen - this was the Fellowship of Fantasy's June book club book. I have... fallen behind a bit on the book club readings. But that doesn't mean I won't catch up at some point!When Hope Springs New by Janette Oke - I started re-reading the Canadian West series last year and realized the other day that I hadn't finished it. So this is a re-read, but I enjoy Janette Oke.Cinder by Marissa Meyer - With the characters from the Lunar Chronicles making a solid appearance in the Silmarillion Awards two years running... I figured it was high time I started reading them to see what all the fuss is about. Haven't started it yet, but am expecting to enjoy this series.More Stories from Grandma's Attic by Arleta Richardson - the book I'm currently reading out loud to the kids through the summer.The Miserable Mill by Lemony Snicket - Derek is currently reading through the Series of Unfortunate Events to the kids in the evenings. I've read them before, but it's fun listening to them again.Not pictured, because I couldn't find it, Nathalie and I are reading a book she won at the library in their summer reading program called Wildborn: Spirit Animals book 1 by Brandon Mull. I was a bit leery about it at first, but two chapters in and it seems like a pretty fun fantasy. We shall see how it continues.And that's about it for reading plans for the near future.I hope you've been enjoying the Silmarillion Award Presentations! So far we've been entertained at this year's Wisest Councillor and Least Competent Henchman presentations. Today we will get to attend the ceremony for Most Silver-Tongued Bard... which is one where I am really hoping for a certain outcome. Though Kiernan Kane didn't make it into the top five this year, there is a certain bard I am very much hoping rises to glory and receives a Silmaril of his very own this year, because he greatly deserves it. Also, this is my favorite category... as bard-characters are rather near and dear to my heart. THE LINK IS NOW LIVE!Have you been enjoying the Silmarillion Awards? Have you been pleased with the winners? Surprised? Which award presentation are you most looking forward to? Don't forget, the fun doesn't end on July 28th... we are having a celebration of LOTR's 63rd birthday on the 29th and you are welcome to participate with a blog post of your own celebrating Tolkien or Lord of the Rings. We will also be announcing the winner of the One Grand Prize to Rule Them All giveaway on that day!And what's on YOUR nightstand, dear Reader?