Board Game Reviews: Input Needed!


As I’ve mentioned in a couple of different posts now, I’m going to be adding Board Game Reviews to my regularly scheduled blog posts. I’ll be kicking off this new feature next Monday with a post about Pandemic Legacy Seasons 1 and 2.

But after that… I could use your help!

We play a lot of board games.

We also own a lot of board games.

But I’d love to talk about games that YOU, dear Reader, are most curious about or interested in! I want this feature to be useful and interesting to you! So, I’m including a few pictures of our game closet for you to peruse. If you see one you’d like to know more about, please let me know in the comments so that I can make sure it goes to the top of the list!

These pictures aren’t exhaustive. Some of our games were not in the closet when I took the pictures. I will also happily chat about some games we’ve played that we don’t own yet, as we often have board-game nights with friends who bring us new games to try that we end up loving. A few of the more recent ones we’ve fallen in love with but don’t own yet are Canvas, Tokaido, and Mysterium!


And, just for giggles and grins… the KID’S PORTION of the game closet! This is the spot that tends to remain perpetually messy and not quite as “pretty” as the rest of the closet, which the eldest Hobbit actually cleaned up and organized for me recently, so I can’t take credit for the neatness. (The games pictured here are fair game, too… but most of them you’ve probably already heard of or played). Though there are a couple of more obscure ones in here if you look closely!


So please, tell me! Which of these games do you most want to hear about?