Caffeinated Fantasy Awards: Nominations are Open!

It’s that time again, the time when many different awards open up for books and authors published in the previous year!

And I am stopping by here to let you know that An Echo of the Fae is eligible for this one! The Caffeinated Fantasy Awards seek to honor Indie Fantasy books published in 2020.

The Details and Rules:

-Do not nominate your own book, or a book you have not read.

All nominations must be:

– Indie (self) published during 2020.
– A Novella or Novel. (60+ Amazon listed page count.)
– Fantasy
– No main-plot romance. (If the plot doesn’t work without the romance, then it is main-plot romance.)
– Published in English.
- Submitted in the following format: ——Title by Author. —— Any other format will be disqualified.

An Echo of the Fae has been nominated, but it needs more nominations to proceed into the next round! If you read this book, would you consider helping it out?

Nominations are open until January 14.

With time running out for her sister, will Echo even be able to save herself?

On the cusp of her thirteenth birthday, the discovery of a family secret reveals why Echo has never been drawn to the sea like her mother. This discovery shakes the foundations of her world and sends Echo on a quest, not merely into the forest, but into the heart of the fae-lands themselves, to rescue the sister she didn’t know existed.

Elves, dragons, and fairy courts will put Echo’s wit and resolve to the test.

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