Epic Tales & Family Bonds: Reading Aloud to Our Kids Sparked Pure Magic

My siblings and I grew up in a home built on stories. A home whose foundations were books and movies and playing endless games of make-believe with our cousins and friends.

And my brothers and I have each brought this foundation along with us into our own families. Reading out loud to our kids is one of our favorite things about being parents, and we love that our kids and their cousins are experiencing this same blessing of a childhood built on stories (and many of the same stories) even though they are a thousand miles apart. We love recommending new books to each other, and today, we’re going to recommend a couple of our very favorites to you!

Something about stories makes the world seem a little smaller. A little more manageable. And it makes the ones we love seem closer when we can share those stories even across the miles.

In this week’s podcast, Grant and I discuss the various stories that we have each enjoyed reading out loud to our kids. Come on in out of the storm and listen with us a for a while. Maybe you’ll get a new idea for what to read out loud as a family next… or maybe you’ll just get to hear us talk about a story you already love. Either way, thanks for joining us, and if you have any recommendations of great stories to read out loud to our kids, please share them in the comments! We’re always on the hunt for new books to read!

You can watch the show on Youtube or right here!

Or, if audio only is more your style, you can listen in the following places while you fold laundry, wash dishes, or drive your kids to whatever activity they have today!



In this episode, we're diving into some of our favorite family read-aloud books and series that we've shared with our families so far. From timeless classics to newer gems, we'll talk about the stories that have sparked imaginations, brought us together, and created lasting memories.