A Saturday post... don't you feel special? :) (Okay, I wrote it Friday night, but still...)

Just wanted to remind you all that today is the LAST DAY to enter the giveaway for a copy of He Whistles for the Cricket. As of Friday night there were only two people entered in the contest total, so the "odds are ever in your favor" right now!

Enter the giveaway HERE

You can enter in lots of very easy ways: leave a comment on the blog, follow my facebook page, add the book to your shelf on goodreads, post about the giveaway on facebook... easy easy!

I also wanted to let y'all know (letting a little of my adopted Southern-ness shine through there), that NEXT WEEK I will be revealing something very exciting here on the blog... but you'll have to come back on Monday and find out what that exciting thing will be! (Yes, I am evil... where do you think my villains get it from?)

And finally, I've heard from my cover artist that the cover for Second Son is coming along quite nicely and is just about finished except for one little piece on the front, so I am hoping to be able to do a big cover reveal sometime soon. Anyone have any brilliant ideas for a series of posts leading up to that event? Also, if you are a fellow blogger and would be interested in helping/participating in the cover reveal, feel free to let me know!

That's all I've got for now. Short and Sweet, since it's Saturday! :)