Featured Artist Friday: Lesa McKee

Today I am pleased to introduce you to fellow clean Fantasy author Lesa Mckee! She has written a story called Operation Space Cats that sounds super fun!This is the cover of the anthology my short story is published in! It’s listed on Amazon. Even though my entry was one of the contest winners, I’ve edited it quite a bit since then. So it will (hopefully) be even better when I self-publish!Space Kitties 

Blurb: Granny is going on a rescue mission. All she needs are a few helping paws. Join Tebbs and his loveable team of space cats for an adventure that’s out of this world! This journey is filled with faith, friendship & fun!

Why did you choose to write in this genre?

Hm… I think it chose me. I believe we writers write what’s in our heart, and mine’s filled with faith, humor, friendship, adventure, and love! All the themes in my current series.

What advice would you give to beginners who are nervous?

Three things- And these are things I’ve done.

1) I'd tell them to get connected! Other writers are your best friends! No one can relate to your writing and your writing journey more than your fellow writers. Join writing groups on social media like facebook and goodreads. Admit you’re a newbie and ask for advice!

2) Write, but don’t write aimlessly. Invest in some good books on writing, take a seminar, and follow good blogs on writing. You have the desire to write, now do all you can to learn your craft. All workman must study their craft to show themselves approved.

3) Join a critique group, at least one. You want to get as many eyes on your work as possible. Make sure to critique others too. This is a one of the best ways to learn how to write. Really, it works.

What is the best part about 

This is a two-fold question for me. As an immediate benefit (*the thrilll*), I'd say it’s spending time with my characters in an imaginary world I created. It doesn't get any funner than that!

Aside from that, there's the long-term benefit of knowing one day my grand-darlings will be reading my stories, and passing them on through the generations. And leaving behind a legacy like that is truly the best part of all!

What is the hardest thing about writing?I have lots of hand and wrist pain to deal with. It got so bad I had to invest in (and learn) speech recognition software. I’m not a fan of ‘talking out’ my stories. It’s a challenge! But at least I’m able to continue on.

How would you like to be remembered?

As an encourager in Christ. I try to encourage others in ‘real life’ everyday. Through my writing, that means telling uplifting tales (and currently, ‘tails’) of faith.

Would you be willing to share an excerpt from your latest book?

Sure! I’m glad you asked. My latest book is the one I’m currently writing now. It’s book three in the series, Operation Space Cats, The Starlight Diamond.

I know people won’t know who the characters are yet, but I like that it has them all in this scene, if only briefly. You should get a feel for the cat’s personalities and sense of humor. This is the beginning of chapter one. Here goes!

Tebbs stepped outside the art museum, and sniffed the warm night air. The rest of the group filed out behind him.

Spreet nodded at Tebbs. "I'm going to talk to some of my contacts, see if I can come up with any leads on the whereabouts of Morty. I'll be in touch."

With that he turned and strutted down the sidewalk with Rover at his side.

Tebbs nodded to his partner,Cavias, and headed in the other direction, leading his team towards home.

He looked back to assure the others were tagging along. A smile crossed his face at the sight of his sister, Kibby and her new groom, Dax walking shoulder to shoulder, tails entwined.

His gaze traveled to Razzie and Farlo. His lips turned down. Their heads hung low, tails dragging the ground as they lagged behind the rest.

"Uh-hum." Cavias cleared his throat. "I say, it's a humid evenin’. It’s so hot me fur is even startin’ to sweat."

Tebbs glanced at Cavias. He appreciated his friend's attempt to lighten the mood.

"I know what you mean. My paw prints are going to leave a wet trail behind."

Cavias winked at him. "Aye, lad. I think me ears are beginnin’ to perspire."

Farlo sighed heavily. "We wouldn't be so hot if I hadn't let Morton give me the slip. We'd be riding through the wind on Razzie's skateboard."

A tiny whine escaped Razzie.

“Don't be so hard on yourself, Farlo.” Kibby meowed.

“Yeah, It could have happened to anyone of us.” Dax joined in.

Tebbs looked over his shoulder. “Agreed. But we really need to find a  faster mode of transportation if we’re going to catch Morton.”

Cavias chimed in. “And I have just the solution to our travellin’ problem. Me space-ship!”

That’s it for now!

Thanks for sharing that, Lesa! Where did you get the idea for your book?

I saw a contest listed on christianwriters.com. I checked it out and as I was studying the contest picture (of a cat), I thought he looked like a Tebbs. I suddenly wanted to tell his story. I sat down and put my fingers to the keys.

I instantly saw Tebbs sitting on a fence post in his backyard. I knew he was waiting for something… someone. I saw a group of cats marching single file in the distance, and knew what Tebbs was thinking. They were his possible new recruits, being led by his sister, Kibby. He needed a team of space cats to go on a space mission with him, a rescue mission.

The whole story unfolded before me as I typed. No outline, no planning, just utter and complete pantsing! I’ve had to do a little more planning with the next books as I’ve turned it into a series, but I’m still generally a plantser, a hybrid of a pantser & planner.

No outline and no planning can be one of the absolute most fun ways to write! I find that for me, more editing is required after the fact though!

Can you pick a favorite character from your book or series? Why is that character your favorite?

Well, I have a special affinity for Tebbs. I think it’s because he’s my main cat-acter and I get to view this ‘space cats’ world from his perspective. That said, I love Sir Cavias. He’s walks with a limp which challenges his faith (something I’ve been through), he has a time tempering his temper, and he talks with a fun accent. And you gotta love characters with accents!

Characters with accents are exponentially more charming than those without. As long as you can understand them!!

What do you do when you’re NOT writing? (hobbies, things you do for fun, your day-job, etc?)

Most of my hobbies are writing related. <surprise, surprise, lol> For example I'm getting ready to host my first writing contest on my blog. I'm super excited about that! It's a Valentine's contest, ~Love is in the Heart~ with <drum roll, please> love as the central theme!

I'm also busy building up two facebook groups for writers I started, and just to throw in some things that AREN'T writing related, I love baking & flower/container gardening.

Are you working on anything new, and would you be willing to tell us about it?

Yes! Book four in the series, Operation Space Cats, The Time Tunnels. In this story, I’m planning for the cats to have a little time travel fun and adventure! As you can see, I love me some space cats!

On a lighter note (you may answer as many or as few of these as you wish):

1. What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?

Sadly, I have an allergy to ice-cream. But fortunately, I started making my own version with frozen over-ripe bananas (They have to be over-ripe!) and strawberries. I puree them in my food processor and it really tastes (and gets creamy)  like strawberry banana ice-cream!

Allergic to ice-cream! That IS sad. Glad you've found a way to enjoy ice-creamish desserts anyway!

2. Favorite season? And why?

Spring is my favorite season. It means winter is over. Yay! The sun is back, and I can finally come out of hibernation! I love to fill the yard with flowers each spring. I add new annuals & perennials every spring to my collection. I do some container gardening, both flowers and vegetables.

I've tried gardening... I'm not very good at it.

3. Favorite hot beverage?

I’d like to be really ‘good’ here and say herbal tea, which I do like. But honesty must reign, so... Hot chocolate! I make it homemade as my dairy allergy includes milk. I use almond milk instead. I have a great recipe!

Mmm, that sounds yummy!

4. The best pizza you’ve ever had was from….?

Pizza Hut. Really, it’s so my favorite!

Um.... oooooo.... kay. Whatever you like. haha

7. Tell us something strange, odd, weird, or random about yourself.

Let’s see, I’m the daughter of identical twins, Allen & Alvin (Allen being my dad, and they both passed away last year at 91, only 3 mo. apart), and as of 5 months ago, God gifted our family with twin girls! Ava & Adria, my precious grand-darlings. I must also mention their big sis, Alana. Love them all so much!

And… While my mother was pregnant with me, my parents decided to name me Tammy Michelle. They called me that until I was born. At the last minute, my dad changed his mind, and named meLesa Annette instead. Now I was born in Alaska, but a year later we moved to the ‘lower 48’. I grew up in Kansas, and I made two very special life-long friends, one has been my best friend for 37 years. Guess what their names are? Yep, both Tammy! And my best friend is actually named Tammy Michelle! So we almost had 3 Tammy’s running around!

9. Storms: awesome or terrifying?

Awesome in that they are an amazing show of God’s creation. Terrifying for me, if tornados are present! I’ve had lots of nightmares over the years where a twister pops up. Usually I’m in a car. Yikes! However, I know the Lord is in control, and that brings me comfort.

10. What is your favorite movie?

It's hard to pick between Jane Austen movies like Emma and Pride & Prejudice. Can I pick both?

Of course you can pick both! I love both of those as well!
Thanks for coming over to the blog this week, Lesa! May the Lord bless all your writing endeavors!

Thanks so much for interviewing me!

If you'd like to learn more about Lesa and her Space Cats, you can find her in the following places:

Her Blog
