Featured Artist Friday: Wendy May Andrews

Good morning, dear Reader! I hope you are well this fine Friday, and that you all had a lovely Easter last weekend. Today I have the privilege of introducing another Clean Indie Reads author to you: Wendy May Andrews.Wendy has written a novel called The Duke Conspiracy. It is a romance, set in Regency-Era Vienna, and I think it sounds very "Scarlet Pimpernel" in many ways.

TheDukeConspiracy453x680Miss Rosamund Smythe, the only daughter of a baron diplomat, is finding the Season to be a dead bore.  After her stint at spying while in Vienna with her father, she wants a higher purpose in life than “just” being a wife.  

His Grace, Alexander Milton, the Duke of Wrentham, wants a quiet life with a “proper” lady as his wife after the tumultuous childhood he had.  His parents had fought viciously, lied often, and Alex secretly wonders if he was even his father’s son.

Rose and Alex grew up on neighboring estates and have been best friends since she was four years old but a family feud has torn their friendship apart.

At a Society event Rose overhears a plot to entrap Alex into a marriage of convenience.  Her loyalty to their old friendship as well as her knowledge of the conspirator, Sir Jason Broderick, causes Rose to overcome her aversion to Wrentham in order to warn him of his danger.  Alex’s complicated childhood has caused him to despise all forms of deception so Rose avoids telling him how she knows so much about Sir Broderick.

When Rose is abducted by Sir Broderick to prevent her interference, Alex must deal with his own conflicted feelings to help her rescue herself. Can they claim their happily ever after despite the turmoil?

1. When & why did you start writing?

It was, I think, 2007 when I started to write. I have been an avid reader since I learned how when I was about four years old. I could devour multiple books each week. When I got married, my husband could not understand this obsession, especially the fact that I become so completely absorbed in the story. In frustration, one day he asked, “Why don’t you write one of those books instead of reading them all the time?” While I had written a lot while I was in school, I had never considered it possible that I could write one of these books that I loved so much. But I accepted the challenge and gave it a try. And I fell in love with writing, almost as much as reading. It took a couple of years but that first book, Tempting the Earl, actually got published in 2010. 

2. Why did you choose to write in this genre?

Everyone says write what you know and Regencies are my favorite thing to read. My aunt introduced me to the writings of Georgette Heyer when I was a teen and I fell in love with the era. I love to research the history, manners, clothes, and behavior of Regency era England, so it is a pleasure for me to write.

3. What are your fondest writing memories?

The very first writers’ event I went to was three years ago. Donald Maas, a successful writer and agent, came to Toronto to give a workshop. It was the first time I was ever in a room with a bunch of other writers. It felt like I had come home. Everyone in that room knew what it’s like to be a writer. It was such an exciting feeling. I ended up joining the organization that brought Mr. Maas to town. Our monthly meetings give me that same sense of comfort and are so educational in helping me grow as a writer. This is how I found my critique partner. Our brainstorming sessions are also amongst my fondest writing memories. Also, my parents are my biggest fans. They have read everything I have ever written. My ultimate best writing memory is when my Mom told me, after reading either my second or third manuscript, “When I was reading your first book I kept thinking ‘I can’t believe Wendy wrote this,’ but while reading this one, I forgot all about you and got lost in the story.” As a writer, that is the highest possible compliment. 

4. What is the best/most fun thing about writing?

Sitting down at my computer and letting the words flow, creating a whole world of characters. It entertains me and challenges me. I love it.

5. What is the hardest/most boring thing about writing?

Editing! Trying to rearrange the words to come up with the best, most effective way to say it takes all the magic out of the process, for me. That is the work of writing. First draft is play time, editing is hard work.

6. How do ideas come to you?

Ideas are never the problem for me. I have a very active imagination. Snippets of conversation, things I see on tv, dreams – all can trigger a storyWendy May Andrews idea. I often wonder ‘how would this work in Regency England?’ My research into the era also triggers a landslide of ideas.

7. Where did you get the idea for your current book?

This book, The Duke Conspiracy, started with a title idea. It was a lovely title. From it flowed many ideas. But as the book progressed the title no longer fit perfectly and it became The Duke Conspiracy. So my other title will have to wait for a new story...

8. What do you do when you’re NOT writing?

I am addicted to books, so I am often reading when I’m not writing. I also go for long walks in an effort to combat the bulge that can result from sitting all day, I also work part-time as a bookkeeper which uses a completely different part of my brain than writing does but is enjoyable nonetheless. 

9. Would you be willing to share an excerpt?

The Duke ConspiracybyWendy May Andrews(Excerpt)

Alex gazed at his old friend in admiration. If anyone had ever told him he would be standing in Burlington House surrounded by Elgin’s Marbles debating with Miss Rosamund Smythe about who might be conspiring to entrap him into marriage, he would never have believed such a claim. But here they were. And she looked mighty fetching as she gazed up at him expectantly. He had to make an effort to remember what she had said. Oh yes, something about ideas to investigate. He wondered absently what she could possibly know about investigations and clues and all that. But she was right. They needed to have a direction. The only trouble was he was drawing a blank about any possible ideas.

All he could do was shrug helplessly. “I am so sorry, Rose, but I have absolutely no idea where to start. To the best of my knowledge I have never had any dealings with Broderick. I developed an instant dislike of the man upon first making his acquaintance, but I cannot even tell you why, as we have barely conversed.”

The duke was clearly flabbergasted over this development and was even slightly ashamed to not have a ready solution. Rose must have realized this. She hastened to reassure him. “Never mind about that. We both agreed earlier that the best place for us to start is with Lady Anne. That will have to be my job, as you will just be walking straight into their plot if you try to do anything about it. Now, I really must be going, so we must hurry and establish another appointment to meet up to discuss any of our findings. In the meantime, you should speak to your solicitors or man of affairs or whatever you might have along those lines and see if they are aware of any issues Broderick might have with you. Those gentlemen might know more on the subject than you.”

“How did you get so smart about such things?”

Alex was intrigued by the blush that spread over her face at this unanswerable question. The only thing she could offer was “My father is a diplomat,” with as much dignity as possible.

Alex allowed the moment to pass and was rewarded by the look of relief on her face. He hurried to make an appointment as they saw her maid approaching. “Would it be remarked upon if you come here again tomorrow or the next day?”

“Probably not,” Rose answered. “My mother never rises before noon and is really only concerned with how I spend my evenings. But you had best give me at least one day to try to make the acquaintance of Lady Anne, so let us say the day after tomorrow. That gives me a day and a half to gather as much information as possible. I shall start with my friend Lady Elizabeth. She is a font of knowledge about the ton, as well as being friendly with Lady Anne.” While she was speaking she fumbled with her drawing supplies, finally tucking them under her arm. “Wish me luck,” she concluded as she once more faced the duke.

The duke watched a myriad of emotions chase themselves across his companion’s face. He was unable to identify most of them, but he thought she looked rather wistful as she offered him a brief curtsy before she hurried away without another word.

  Alex stood in the same spot for several moments, watching her retreating figure, wondering if she would look back before exiting the building. He was unprepared for the profound disappointment that swept over him as she strode away with purpose, never once glancing back in his direction. Slowly bringing his focus back to the statue she had been sketching, the duke allowed the entire interlude to play itself out in his mind. Giving his head a shake to rid himself of the melancholy that had befallen him, he followed in her footsteps and strode from the hall.

Lighter note:

1. Favorite flavor of ice cream:

Raspberry Cheesecake from Marble Slab Creamery. The most decadent and delicious treat EVER!!! 

2. Favorite season:

Spring – everything is coming back to life. It is a time of new beginnings and the possibilities are endless.

3. Favorite hot beverage?

Hot chocolate

4. Favorite song?

Too hard to narrow down, but I LOVE country music, especially the modern, poppy type like Taylor Swift and Carrie Underwood.

5. The best pizza ever...

A year and a half ago my husband and I went to Europe for our anniversary. We spent three days in Rome and had pizza every day at least once/day. It was the best pizza ever, even with just sauce and cheese. Pizza in Rome is worth the flight ;-)

6. How many siblings?

Two brothers. My mother said I was the monkey in the middle :)

7. Favorite movie?

Any of Reese Witherspoon’s romantic comedies – Sweet Home Alabama, Legally Blonde... :)

Thank you for joining us for Featured Artist Fridays, Wendy! Best of luck on your writing career.

If you would like to learn more about Wendy, you can visit her on her blog!