FROST: Cover Reveal

GUYS!!!!! I am so excited about this cover reveal and soon-to-release novel! ⁠

I got to beta read this one and it is so deliciously wintery and sweet and kind of tragic... and I just loved it. Everything E.E. Rawls writes has been a true pleasure to read, so you know I'm recommending this!⁠⁠

If you have seen and loved The Rise of the Guardians or Frozen, this story is sure to delight you. ⁠

Releasing November 1st!

Let’s learn a little bit more about this book, shall we? And then I’ll let you peek at the cover…

Frost, Winter Guardian and current resident of Boston.

For centuries he’s watched over the winter seasons, feeling the steep toll of being in the world yet not being a part of it, of seeing families spend the holidays together, knowing that he can never do the same. He works alone, and time has made his heart grow callous.

Now, he longs to end his work and move on from this world. But for that, he must find a replacement…

In Concord, New Hampshire, seventeen-year-old Norah dreams of becoming an artist and making a better life for her and her little brother, Tim—one that’s free of their mom’s cruel boyfriend. While working to save up money, her life is suddenly turned upside down when she meets a handsome guy with snowflakes in his hair and frost glittering down his coat sleeves. He offers her his job, saying he’ll train her to become the next Winter Guardian.

This could solve her and Tim’s predicament… But there’s something Frost isn’t telling her—that to quit his job, his life must end—and secrets have a way of spilling into disasters, especially when feelings become involved, and weather demons are set loose. Can Norah break through Frost’s weary, stubborn heart? Especially before winter and Earth come to a destructive end?

A Jack Frost retelling and sweet teen romance!

Pre-Order Links!


Okay, but seriously. That cover is EPIC, right? I mean, look at the detail in the illustration! The swirls of frost on his coat, the shimmering lyre…. which you’ll learn more about if you read the book… and just…. it’s gorgeous. I love it.

What are you waiting for? Go preorder this beauty now!!!

What do you think, Fearless Adventurer? Do you enjoy wintry stories? Do you like the myth of Jack Frost? What are some of your favorite Jack Frost retellings? What do you think of that cover?

Let’s chat in the comments!

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