Six Degrees of Kool Books is getting kicked off today! So head on over to DJ's (HERE!) to read about the first book and set of characters. (He's going pretty easy on us for this first installment!) :) Then get to work on your own response post! Mister Linky is working over on DJ's site, so whenever you have your post written, you can go ahead and put in your name and post URL so we can come visit your site!

Hooray! It lives, it lives!

And the answers to yesterday's Movie Quote Game:

1. Dead Poet's Society

2. The Princess Bride

3. Fellowship of the Ring

4. Gladiator

5. Dreamer

6. Tombstone

7. Ladyhawke

8. Pride and Prejudice (2005 version)

9. How to Train Your Dragon

10. The Librarian: Quest for the Spear

And if you weren't familiar with some of those... well, now you have some movie nights to catch up on! Because I highly recommend all of those. :)