Nightstand Books JuneIt is the first Wednesday of a new month, and therefore it is also time for another rendition of Nightstand Books! I've been reading a lot this year, more than the past two years. I've actually already completed my 20-books-in-2014 self-challenge over on Goodreads (and, no, that is not counting all the books I read out loud to my kids every day...).

However, this month's picture, you'll notice, is a bit sparse. This is because I really, really need to buckle down and get back to editing Yorien's Hand. The first half of the year was pretty rough on me, and I kind of went into a writing/editing "slump" of sorts. However, I seem to have found a new groove (quotes from The Emperor's New Groove welcome) and am getting back in the swing of things. I am hopeful to have this round of edits completed by the end of June and the manuscript shipped off to my line-editor.

A goal like that, of course, means I need to cut back on something. And it looks like reading is going to have to take one for the team. So, on my nightstand this month are one book (I do have the sequel to City of Ember on request from the library, but it hasn't come in yet), my Bible (which I try to read every day), and my computer... representing the massive amounts of editing I have before me.

What book am I reading? The High King by Lloyd Alexander. I've been slowly going through this series that was a childhood favorite of mine, and I intend to write up reviews of the books as soon as I'm finished with this, the last installment in the series. I have been pleased to discover that the books are as enjoyable as I remember them being.

And that's all I've got for this month's Nightstand Books. (okay, since I wrote this post, a friend let me borrow books 2 and 3 of the Dresden Files, and another friend let us borrow a book of Brandon Sanderson's (I don't know which one, Derek is reading it first and he took the dust jacket off before I saw the title, and I haven't looked at it closely yet)... so now I've got more on my reading list. My friends know me too well, and supply me with books...).

I think I need a support group: Hello, my name is Jenelle Schmidt and I am addicted to reading...

What's on your reading nightstand for this month?

Nightstand Books is an original meme created by myself and DJ Edwardson. Feel free to participate on the first Wednesday of every month with your own blog post about what is on your "to be read in the immediate future" list. Make sure to link back to this or DJ's blog, and don't forget to pop your info into the Mister Linky  below so that we know to come visit your posts!

Or, if you don't have a blog, or don't want to do a blog post, just let me know what you've got lined up to read by leaving a comment!