June Nightstand Books

IMG_0075This month's pile o'books upon the ol' nightstand is a bit shorter than normal, and you'll probably be noticin' thet two of the books are the same as last month's. That's because I've been reading a mite slowly as of late, and I've been writing and editing more, so not as much reading time. I did grab "The Dragon of Trelian" last time I was at the library and added it to the stack... but that's it. I have quite a few books that I've BOUGHT in the past year that need to be read, and I'm not allowing myself to go wandering about the library any more until I've finished the ones I own or am borrowing (all of which will be in July's post... though hopefully I can get started on some of them in June... June is really starting to fill up, though, what with Tae Kwon Do camp and Super Summer Adventure (more commonly referred to by everyone else in the country as VBS (I prefer Super Summer Adventure as a name, though)).I'm happy to report that I thoroughly enjoyed Enchanted Glass by Diana Wynne Jones.A Dragon's Guide to the Care and Feeding of Humans by Lawrence Yep was mildly entertaining... but the title was quite a bit better than the story inside. Oh well. So, what's on YOUR nightstand?