Last Nightstand Books of the Year

I cannot believe it is already December. Can you? November fairly flew past, and it's a shame, because I really love November. It's my favorite.But a new month means new books, so let's dive into this month's nightstand offerings, shall we?It's actually a pretty short list this month.DecemberOn the bottom there we have Golden Daughter by Anne Elisabeth Stengl. I've got about a hundred pages left to go, and I'm getting that uncomfortable feeling in my stomach that I always get when I start to near the end of a book that has swept me off into a wonderful adventure... that feeling that the adventure will end soon, but I'm just not ready to say goodbye just yet. There's also the mounting tension of, "AAAHHHHHH! This had better all wrap up in a way that doesn't make me want to start punching things!"Next up is, yep, Yorien's Hand. Awww, it's so fun to see it in physical form right there with other real books! Lots of editing still to do, which is another reason this pile has to remain small, despite the fact that I have a stack of delectable new books over on my bookshelf that I got for my birthday and they are calling to me.... but no, I must focus. I must stay strong.The top book is The Hero of Ages by Brandon Sanderson, the last of the Mistborn trilogy. One of my birthday presents was my very own Mistborn Trilogy box set! Eeeeep! I had been borrowing Kaycee's copies, but had to give them back after finishing book 2, because: moving. And I didn't want to shoulder the responsibility of keeping her books safe through a move and then shipping them back to her. So, my most wonderful husband, knowing I enjoyed the first two and don't like leaving series unfinished, bought me the whole trilogy... because just having the third book on my shelf would be lame. And he's just awesome like that! I have a lot of book reviews to write in the near future, this is definitely one of the series I'm going to devote some time to writing about.Not pictured is the Beth Moore study on James I'm working my way through, or my Bible, because they are both currently in my reading closet, and I was feeling too lazy to go get them for the picture. Yes, my friends. I have a reading closet! Our apartment has a huge walk-in closet in the master bedroom, and we can fit our glider in there... which just makes me so happy!And finally, note the new decoration? My sister in law sent me that! I love it so much! It's so pretty, and "Adventure" is definitely the theme of our lives right now! So I thought I'd include it in my nightstand books post, since that is where it lives right now.What are you reading this month? I'd love to hear all about your latest reading adventures! And, as always, if you have your own nightstand books post, leave the link in the comments, because I'd love to come visit your blog and see what you're reading. I get some awesome recommendations through this little meme of ours. I hope you do, as well!