Meet the Turrim Cast: Beren

Let me introduce you to Berenger Adelfried.

Beren jumped into the story without being invited. He quite literally just showed up at the Black Arms inn when Grayden and Wynn arrived in Dalton, introduced himself as a fellow Academy initiate, and the three of them became instant best buds.

Despite showing up completely without an invitation, Beren has been the perfect gentleman since.

He’s the type who will jump over a table to hold a door for a lady.

Towering over most people, with massively broad shoulders and standing nearly 8 feet tall (yeah, he’s a giant… everyone is fairly tall in this world), Beren is a true gentle giant. He is completely aware of his own strength, and determined to use it for the greater good, which is the main reason he’s enrolled at the Academy (though he spins a bit of a story for Grayden and Wynn about being sent there by his family to “toughen him up” as his brothers often tease him for the “scrawniness of his shoulders.” And while this is partially true—his brothers do tease him at times… it’s not the real reason he’s going to the Academy).

Beren comes from a large and loving family who reside in the northern mountains of Telsuma, the northernmost country of Telmondir. He has one much older sister (Cathrin is 14 years older than Beren), and 8 younger brothers who range in age from 17 down to 4 at the beginning of book 1.

Though he was raised to be polite, Beren can also be quite blunt at times. He could rarely be accused of not speaking his mind. This helps him get along quite well with Wynn, who appreciates bluntness and rarely understands subtlety. (There is very little about Beren that is subtle).

Good-natured, friendly, and sometimes unpredictable, Beren has been a delightful unplanned addition to this series. I’m so happy he showed up that day at the inn.

If he has a fault it might be that he’s a little bit like Mr. Darcy… his “good opinion, once lost, is gone forever.” But it does take a lot to lose his good opinion. He can be a bit impetuous at times, as well.

Are you excited to meet Beren?

Don’t forget to swing by the Kickstarter! We only have a few days left to hit our goal!

If you’d like a sneak-listen to the first 20 minutes of The Orb and the Airship, you can find it here!