Nightstand Books for March Magics

I hope you all are enjoying the blog tour! Please do take a minute to stop by the blogs on the tour and leave them some comments, these bloggers have been super gracious to host me over there and I'd like to send some love their way! Also, don't forget to come back here on Friday to find out who the winners of the giveaway are! There are still a couple of days left to enter that.Quick update on Write 100... I'm now on day 7 and so far I have met or exceeded my goal of writing for at least 10 minutes every day! I'll do a more extensive update on how that's going later, but so far it's been a great motivation to get moving on the next rough draft. Last night I passed 10,000 words in this new story! I think this is the fastest I've ever gotten that much written! But, more on that later....Because....Today is the first Wednesday of the month, so... yep, you guessed it! It's time for NIGHTSTAND BOOKS! This is a monthly meme that DJ Edwardson and I created a couple of years back, and I enjoy using it to show you guys what I'm reading each month.March also happens to be "March Magics," which is an annual party thing celebrating the authors Diana Wynne Jones and Terry Prachett. I might post about them and my experience with their books later this month. Because I actually remembered March Magics before it was completely over this year, I actually do have a few books on my nightstand this month to go along with it! I'm excited because most of the books on my nightstand are new reads!March MagicsFrom the bottom...The Black Reckoning by John Stephens - This is the third book in The Books of Beginning trilogy that I've been reading with Leiana. It's been really fun, the past few months, getting these books out and having our little contest. She listens to the audio book while I read the book, and we see who can finish first. She had listened to the first one a handful of times before she found the book and recommended it to me... but I finished the Fire Chronicle before her. She's already gotten started on this one, so she's getting a head-start on me!The Dark Lord of Derkholm and Year of the Griffin by Diana Wynne Jones - I'm not doing these in order because Dark Lord of Derkholm is the first book, and Year of the Griffin is the sequel. I have never read these books, but have been wanting to for a couple of years now. The library happened to have them both when I was there last, so I grabbed them up! Looking forward to it!The Game - This one is also by DWJ. I've seen it on the library's shelf numerous times, but I do not believe I've ever actually read it. I am intrigued. I'm also excited because my blogging/author buddy Deborah is reading this one this month, too! It's fun to read the same books as other people at the same-ish time!Birth of the Firebringer by Meredith Ann Pierce - When I was writing my "Common Fantasy Creatures" post, I was reminded of this book. I read it a bunch of times when I was younger, but it's been many years since I even thought about it. It took some sleuthing to hunt down the title, since I couldn't remember anything about it except that it was about unicorns and what the cover looked like... but I eventually managed to discover it. I also learned that there are more books in the series... I didn't know it was a series! So I'm hoping to get a chance to read those, as well... though probably not this month.Like my dragon bookmark? A dear friend gave that to me for my birthday and I love it!!!I also got the paperbacks of the Jan/Feb books for the Fellowship of Fantasy Book Club, but I have not had a chance to read them yet. The April book will be the Mythical Doorways anthology, so if anyone wants to jump in, that would be a good month to start! We're also having a writing contest (flash fiction, so 500 words or less) you can find out how to enter HERE. We have a couple different age categories, and some cool prizes for the winners!That's all I've got for now, dear Reader! What's on YOUR nightstand this month?