Nightstand Books: July Edition

Yes, yes, Nighstand books is supposed to be on the first Wednesday of the month. Lucky for me, the creators of the meme aren't real big sticklers on this. Mwahahahaha.I apologize. I'm feeling a bit loopy as I write this. Brantland is sleeping through the night better, but we've had some late nights recently and I think they're catching up to me.I really need to do some reviews, because I've been chugging through the books on my nightstand lately, actually finishing them! Huzzah!Well, this month's stack is one I'm pretty psyched about, so here goes:JulyYes, that IS the extremely popular Mistborn Trilogy by Brandon Sanderson. I've been hearing rumblings about this series for ages and I've been wanting to read them for quite a while, but the waitlist at my library is in the multiple hundreds, and that's no fun at all. I don't have that kind of patience. Also, I've been dawdling on it for a while because.... well, there's no good way to say this, so out with it. He's just so stinkin' POPULAR. A small part of me rebels against that.But I DO want to read them, and am very thankful that Kaycee is such a dear and is letting me borrow the whole trilogy so that I don't have any wait between books. Hooray!Then I might need to return to dear Dresden, because I love him so, and I have a couple of those books waiting inside my nightstand.And the elephant in the room, of course, is Five Enchanted Roses, which releases in just 25 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And even though I have the whole thing on my computer, I refuse to read it until I have the paperback in all its finalized glory.As soon as I get my copy I'm going to find a quiet corner and curl up with it and refuse to come out until I've devoured it whole.......Well, that's the dream. Three small children... probably aren't going to let me get away with that. But one can dream. The reality is I'll probably stay up all night reading it, and then I'll be grumpy in the morning, but I'll also be happy, because READING and FIVE ENCHANTED ROSES!Okay, this was a weird post. I think I'm in a strange mood.And now, my minions! Go forth and READ!.........Yeah, I'm definitely in a strange mood. What are you planning to read this month, dear Reader?