Nightstand Books: March 2017

Top o' the mornin' to ye, dear Reader! (Something about March always makes me feel a little bit more of those Irish roots buried deep down in my genetic code).Well, the new month is begun, Spring is about to be sprung, and don't forget we lose an hour this weekend! (ugh)But all that aside, it's time to talk about all the shiny new books we're going to read this month! So here's a picture of my stack o' books on the old nightstand.Nightstand books march

Nightstand books is a monthly blogging meme thought up by myself and DJ Edwardson. Joining is easy, just take a picture of the books on your nightstand (or whatever surface you use to store the books you are currently reading (pictures of kindles or ereading devices are fine, too)) and link back to mine or DJ's blogs to give credit.

Pretty nice pile compared to last month's pitiful offering, wouldn't you say? I've already finished a couple of them, but since I didn't start them until March began, it's not technically cheating, right?

On the left at the bottom there is my Bible. Currently I'm in a Bible study going through the book of James, which has been wonderful. I was studying James before we moved here, and it's nice to be able to sort of continue that study now.

The tattered journal is my story-idea journal, which is where I have all manner of handwritten scenes, notes, snippets, and various ideas for various and sundry stories... mostly Turrim Archive stuff, but there's quite a lot of my sci-fi/mystery tale in there, as well.

Then on the right, the books I intend to read... or at least get a good ways into... this month. From the bottom:

The King's Scrolls by Jaye L. Knight. I read Resistance back in February and just loved it to pieces. I have a full-on review coming later, but let me just start by saying I highly recommend this series... despite only having read the first two books. The story is fast-paced, compelling, and the characters are well-developed. I felt like King's Scrolls got a little bit predictable in the second half, but that did not detract too much from my enjoyment of the story.

The Problem of Pain by C.S. Lewis. I found a quote from this book recently that prompted me to get my hands on a copy and read the whole thing. It's not an easy read... none of Lewis' non-story-books are... but it is definitely the kind of book that turns your brain on and makes you think, which I appreciate. It's kind of slow-going, though, because I have to be in the right frame of mind to dive into it... and most of the time I'd rather read something for fun.

Journeyman by Elizabeth Yates. This is our next read for homeschool, and I don't really know much about it, as we don't start in on it until tomorrow. However, all but one of the Sonlight curriculum reads have been excellent, so I'm not worried.

Lost in a Good Book by Jasper Fforde. Continuing my re-reading of the Thursday Next Novels... this is the second installment in that delightful series. 

EDITED: Apparently baby-brain has taken serious hold... I am NOT reading Lost in a Good Book again, I read that recently... and finished book #3 as well *slaps forehead*... I have now in actuality reached Something Rotten, which is the fourth and final book in the first story arc of the Thursday Next novels. This is the problem with books that don't have the series number anywhere on their covers or easily discoverable on the title page. Sigh. I've read all the books in the first arc, so this is the last one and then I'll be able to move on to the books I haven't read yet, which is exciting. But it's been so many years since I read these, that there's a lot I don't remember, and it's fun rediscovering the humor and witticisms anew.

In Grandma's Attic by Arleta Richardson is the book I'm reading out loud to Nathalie, and so far it is quite the charming little tome.

Justin Morgan Had a Horse by Marguerite Henry was just as beautiful as I was expecting, considering Henry is one of my all-time favorite authors. I had never read this particular book of hers before, so it was fun to share a favorite author AND a story I'd never read with my kiddos.

The Reptile Room by Lemony Snicket... oops... looks like I grabbed the wrong book and put it on the stack. Erm... haha... just imagine that it's a bit thicker and has a different title... I don't want to clean off my nightstand for a whole 'nother picture... This is the series my husband is reading out loud to the kiddos each night, and I listen in, as well. We finished The Bad Beginning last month and the kids enjoyed it, so we got the second installment.

Not pictured here: I am also reading Dragonfriend by Marc Secchia for the Fellowship of Fantasy book club. I am, for the first time ever, reading a book in e-format... which is not my preferred method at all... but circumstances. And I loved reading The Firethorn Crown last month and participating in the tail-end of the discussion... I've never been in a book club before, partially because book clubs always seem to want to read or focus on a book or genre I have zero interest in... but as this one is dedicated solely to fantasy... I figured I'd give it a try. And I'm really enjoying it! If you enjoy fantasy and want to find new, clean reads... you should definitely consider joining. We read a book a month, and you can pop in and join whenever, no pressure to stay involved from month to month. At the end of each month we have a "meet the author" fb event and reveal what the next month's read will be (voted on by the book club members).

Lots of good reading material to look forward to this month.

Now it's your turn, dear Reader! What books are on YOUR nightstand for March?